can someone give me like a list of levels and worlds together like for a certain world say what level your suppose to be going into that world and leaving the world. I would really appreciate it
For the main worlds, it's like this: Wizard City 1-10 (There are level 30, 50, 60, 70, 90 and 100) Krokotopia 10-20 (There are level 25 and 60 dungeons) Marleybone 20-30 (There are level 40 and 50 dungeons) Mooshu 30-40 Dragonspyre 40-50 Celestia 50-60 Zafaria 60-70 Avalon 70-80 Azteca 80-90 Khrysalis 90-100
Then there are the side worlds: Grizzleheim Savarstaad Pass 20 Vigrid Roughland 25 Mirkholm Keep 30 Ravenscar 40 Wintertusk Technically 40, because you can access it right after Ravenscar, but its difficulty is on par with Celestia, so I'd say 50. Wysteria 25 (60 for Tower of the Helephant)