Every 3 rounds he'll attack you, but also trap himself. You should attack on those rounds. Use fire dispels, or shields (fire or volcanic) to survive the attacks. Work together by casting lots of buffs for the player who is attacking.
Every 3 rounds he'll attack you, but also trap himself. You should attack on those rounds. Use fire dispels, or shields (fire or volcanic) to survive the attacks. Work together by casting lots of buffs for the player who is attacking.
Every 3 rounds he'll attack you, but also trap himself. You should attack on those rounds. Use fire dispels, or shields (fire or volcanic) to survive the attacks. Work together by casting lots of buffs for the player who is attacking.
He'll also remove all wards (or was it just traps?) on himself every other round, which means that every other 200% trap will be removed instantly.