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Things to do in Wizard101?

May 19, 2014
I was playing Wizard101 for a while and left for a bit due to circumstances (totally not finding another game and getting addicted) anyway's that new game i found started getting really repetitive and boring, so i went back to Wizard101 and i'm finding it harder to think of anything except walk around Wizard City all day, the irony is that i'm a member and i've got tons of opportunities, and i really don't remember anything i could do, being gone for a long time and just returning. If this community can suggest things to do in Wizard101 (instead of burning your fingers of and walking around wizard city all day) then that would be great. Thanks.I posted this in Wizard101 Central and kept going berzerk on F5 and had no answers/suggestions.

Oct 09, 2011
If you haven't completed all the worlds, that's a good thing to do. If you've done that, you can try to obtain gear you happen to want. There's also a book quest in each world, so if you haven't done them, those are a good way to learn more of each world. Fishing can also be fun, and because it's Halloween, there are Halloween quests in Wizard City.

Dec 26, 2013
Valdus Spell on Oct 18, 2015 wrote:
I was playing Wizard101 for a while and left for a bit due to circumstances (totally not finding another game and getting addicted) anyway's that new game i found started getting really repetitive and boring, so i went back to Wizard101 and i'm finding it harder to think of anything except walk around Wizard City all day, the irony is that i'm a member and i've got tons of opportunities, and i really don't remember anything i could do, being gone for a long time and just returning. If this community can suggest things to do in Wizard101 (instead of burning your fingers of and walking around wizard city all day) then that would be great. Thanks.I posted this in Wizard101 Central and kept going berzerk on F5 and had no answers/suggestions.
Open your character info page and look at the badge lists... there are literally dozens of badges that require defeating different types of enemies. What I do is combine these into reagent or seed excursions. One example is, defeat a bunch of Bears in Grizzleheim for the badge count AND the chance to get Couch Potato seed drops. There are countless opportunities for combinations like this. You can also find enemies that count as two or more different types towards badge counts. For instance, Undead Draconians count as Undead and Draconians. Desert Golems count as Golems, Elementals and Giants. These are just a few ways to kill some time, get a little XP, and get some valuable drops.

Aug 31, 2012
Prepare your wizard: Get to exalted, try to get the best gear, dream pet, jewels possible for the best stats. Polaris is expected to arrive soon, so it's good to be prepared.

If you aren't the type that likes questing/farming for long periods of time, then decorate your house or try to get the highest rank for fishing/gardening/crafting. Spend time with friends, become a helper for a day if you're REALLY bored.

Instead of spamming the space button during dialogue while questing, read what each character says and enjoy the story.

I find fun in making another wizard and trying them out. If you've had only one exalted wizard for a very long time, you might enjoy playing as another school for a while.

Try stitching your gear for an amazing appearance, form a team with your friends. That's what I've done, it's really fun. Make Wizard101 videos if possible, that's a GREAT occupation that I do.

A good, but difficult pastime is PvP, I myself don't PvP since beginners or people without the proper cards/gear/TC
will meet a lot of warlords, and the PvP system is unfair with first turn advantages, and spammers.

Feb 07, 2011
Valdus Spell on Oct 18, 2015 wrote:
I was playing Wizard101 for a while and left for a bit due to circumstances (totally not finding another game and getting addicted) anyway's that new game i found started getting really repetitive and boring, so i went back to Wizard101 and i'm finding it harder to think of anything except walk around Wizard City all day, the irony is that i'm a member and i've got tons of opportunities, and i really don't remember anything i could do, being gone for a long time and just returning. If this community can suggest things to do in Wizard101 (instead of burning your fingers of and walking around wizard city all day) then that would be great. Thanks.I posted this in Wizard101 Central and kept going berzerk on F5 and had no answers/suggestions.
when i'm bored and have run out of content (i have 3 exalted wizards, so there's not much else to do but farm castle dreadmore), i will resort to the following:

1) transmuting (because i started hoarding stuff and, suddenly, my shared bank is full), or sniping rare tc/reagents from the bazaar at odd hours, because there's no one online to compete with at 6 am, when you're 2-4 hours ahead of most players.

2) crafting (boring), gardening (even more boring), or pet training (dreadful, except in the case of double xp).

3) questing on my low-level wizards- got my myth/ice team from level 62-66 in one day and quested my life wizard from level 82 to level 92 in under a week, out of sheer boredom... my theurgist then finished azteca, and i only stopped once i realized that i have nothing to look forward to, except (surprise) farming castle dreadmore... *sigh*

4) pvp with my magus pyromancer- i keep her level (35) low, for that reason, and i finished stage 2 as a knight, though i have yet to do any pvp in the 3rd age... i don't enjoy it, so i do it quite sparingly. but, once i get to commander, i'll be done with it forever!

(i'm lazy/super-busy, and i only want the robe for stitching anyway)

5) the only thing i do that i actually find fun is revisiting old dungeons that were fun (either on my own or with friends). my wizard sisters (a group of close in-game friends) and i sometimes do what we call "noob fights"- going to see malistaire in dragonspyre, with no gear or pets and only spells that are 4 pips or less...

(shadow magic? nope. astral spells? nope. time to die? nope.)

-von "glutton for punishment? yup." shadowsong
(very bored) exalted centenarian

also promethean , legend /, and magus