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High level in low level team up problem

Nov 22, 2010
This isn't a problem with the code, it's a problem with the players:

Please, if you join a team, and you're quite a bit higher than the thing you're fighting, make sure everyone is in the battle before you hit.

Too often i see a high level join a battle through team up, run in, and hit first round - a guarenteed one-shot of everything and battle over. Leaving the lower level players who weren't as fast (probably because of reading dialog), out of the battle.

When that happens, the poor little low level you were supposed to be helping has to do the battle over, as they weren't in it and didn't get credit.

Also, if the person left out came in over team up, now they have an 8 cool down timer before they can join another team.

So please, wait until everyone is in the battle before you attack.

Jun 19, 2010
Wouldn't it be awesome if everyone could play to everyone's abilities, talents and levels, without any conflict; ever!?! Its not realistic; but wouldn't it be awesome all the same!

Unfortunately, frustrating encounters with players not in sync, or on the same page with you and your team will continue; as long as multiple player games exist. And no amount of holding our breaths, crossing our arms, or stamping our feet shall change this.

Its a given, most don't appreciate being rushed through a battle when its their very first time. Isn't it interesting that high speed performance players don't appreciate being stuck on a team functioning at a snail's pace; forever locked in a permanent matrix moment.

One work-around solution is sharing with others this is your very first time, and can they help; without racing through the dungeon. Or sharing in advance you're doing a speed run, and everyone's welcome to join, but do try to keep up; or be left behind.

Instead of getting frustrated with folks, you're attempting to bring them onboard to what you're doing. When folks listen and help; good for you! And when they don't, you can find more understanding folks that want to go through the dungeon at your speed.

Here's to everyone finding all the cool, fun ways to enjoy and experience Wizard 101!

Mar 12, 2013
Tylerwildpants on Feb 9, 2016 wrote:
Wouldn't it be awesome if everyone could play to everyone's abilities, talents and levels, without any conflict; ever!?! Its not realistic; but wouldn't it be awesome all the same!

Unfortunately, frustrating encounters with players not in sync, or on the same page with you and your team will continue; as long as multiple player games exist. And no amount of holding our breaths, crossing our arms, or stamping our feet shall change this.

Its a given, most don't appreciate being rushed through a battle when its their very first time. Isn't it interesting that high speed performance players don't appreciate being stuck on a team functioning at a snail's pace; forever locked in a permanent matrix moment.

One work-around solution is sharing with others this is your very first time, and can they help; without racing through the dungeon. Or sharing in advance you're doing a speed run, and everyone's welcome to join, but do try to keep up; or be left behind.

Instead of getting frustrated with folks, you're attempting to bring them onboard to what you're doing. When folks listen and help; good for you! And when they don't, you can find more understanding folks that want to go through the dungeon at your speed.

Here's to everyone finding all the cool, fun ways to enjoy and experience Wizard 101!
The players who tend to rush in and one-hit the battle don't care who else is in there with them, don't listen, and don't care that that player has to redo the dungeon for credit.

They are there to farm the team leader badge and that's that. It's probably the worst-implemented badge reward ever.

It needs to be restricted so that you can only get credit towards the badge if everyone completes the quest line started by the instance; and only for instances close to your own level. So if you're exalted, you can only get badge credit for helping teams through battles in, say, Avalon and up.

That would help curb some of the selfish behavior, although it would mean less genuine help for folks in lower worlds.

Feb 19, 2010
crunkatog on Feb 12, 2016 wrote:
The players who tend to rush in and one-hit the battle don't care who else is in there with them, don't listen, and don't care that that player has to redo the dungeon for credit.

They are there to farm the team leader badge and that's that. It's probably the worst-implemented badge reward ever.

It needs to be restricted so that you can only get credit towards the badge if everyone completes the quest line started by the instance; and only for instances close to your own level. So if you're exalted, you can only get badge credit for helping teams through battles in, say, Avalon and up.

That would help curb some of the selfish behavior, although it would mean less genuine help for folks in lower worlds.
I agree with teamup badge credit being restricted so that all parties in the teamup can get credit for the quest line. I too have seen Max wizards come in and one hit before all the players have had a chance to enter the battle. Penalizing high level players for helping lower levels, in WC for example, by not awarding the credit towards the badge is a little overboard though.

Selfish people are going to be selfish no matter what you do, its best just to ignore them. Some of them can be reached though if you politely poke a little fun at them, at least in my exp. I've made some good friends of max level wizards who I poked fun at (i.e. friendly taunts) for one hitting on the first round in WC tower quests.

Mar 12, 2013
James Deathmancer on Feb 17, 2016 wrote:
I agree with teamup badge credit being restricted so that all parties in the teamup can get credit for the quest line. I too have seen Max wizards come in and one hit before all the players have had a chance to enter the battle. Penalizing high level players for helping lower levels, in WC for example, by not awarding the credit towards the badge is a little overboard though.

Selfish people are going to be selfish no matter what you do, its best just to ignore them. Some of them can be reached though if you politely poke a little fun at them, at least in my exp. I've made some good friends of max level wizards who I poked fun at (i.e. friendly taunts) for one hitting on the first round in WC tower quests.
Sometimes this works and sometimes they just pretend nobody else entered the dungeon with them.

"Just ignore them" is fine if you don't need credit for the instance. If, however, you needed completion credit for Black Palace or Vault of Ice, you're out of luck. And you physically cannot complete Flag Tower or Lair of the Pit Boss if someone runs ahead to the next boss, the new cavern won't load for anyone still in the first cavern when someone engages battle with Yolok the Listener.

Although the latter set of problems are not limited to team-up, any time a teammate runs ahead for any reason in those dungeons, and gets pulled, it locks out the stragglers.

Jun 19, 2010
crunkatog on Feb 12, 2016 wrote:
The players who tend to rush in and one-hit the battle don't care who else is in there with them, don't listen, and don't care that that player has to redo the dungeon for credit.

They are there to farm the team leader badge and that's that. It's probably the worst-implemented badge reward ever.

It needs to be restricted so that you can only get credit towards the badge if everyone completes the quest line started by the instance; and only for instances close to your own level. So if you're exalted, you can only get badge credit for helping teams through battles in, say, Avalon and up.

That would help curb some of the selfish behavior, although it would mean less genuine help for folks in lower worlds.
I have no arguments or excuses for selfish behavior; but how can anyone completely limit every selfish players from a multiplayer game environment.

Some folks want to banish players who rush in and one-hit the battle, or flee from a dungeon. Others, want to penalize them in ways only the depths of the most depraved imaginations can envision, or make them wait a ridiculous amount of time before they can enter the same dungeon again!

I offer a much simpler solution that penalized no one; and instead rewards the selfish player.

Don't bring these folks badges, gear, gold, mounts, treasure cards, or anything else, for their less than remarkable assistance and part on the team. Instead, reward them with this simple pop-up message shown below:

"For your selfish behavior, and lack of consideration, let this simple pop-up serve as your only reward. Thank you, and have a nice day!"

And for those who love no bounds or limits with their cruel demented imaginations...

...all selfish players also are awarded a Selfish Floating Cursor Forever Badge that randomly appears above their heads anytime they're online; and everyone but the selfish wizard can ever see this badge.

Dec 26, 2013
Unfortunately this works both ways. I do a LOT of "helping" through the Team-up kiosk and as such I'm usually the highest level in the group. I have the team up badges already so most of my helping is also for the purpose of farming.
I always try to give everyone a chance to join the fight before playing any "kill shots". The problem arises when after three, four or even five rounds of waiting for a player to join, they're still standing in the background. It's easy enough to tell if someone is adjusting their deck or gear and many times it's obvious they are doing neither of these things. So how long is "enough" time?
I do care about the folks who "need" the credit to complete the quest... that's why I wait... but I also refuse to do the work for them. I'm never in a hurry but I don't appreciate being taken advantage of either. When I'm helping I try to limit myself to a support role as much as possible but there comes a time when enough is enough and I'll just finish it. If a "team mate" has waited for me to kill the minions and whittle the boss down to nearly dead before jumping in then so be it, they get credit for my work and that's OK... but if they wait too long to join and aren't in the battle when the boss dies, sorry but that's on them, not me.

Feb 28, 2013
TucsonWizard on Feb 19, 2016 wrote:
Unfortunately this works both ways. I do a LOT of "helping" through the Team-up kiosk and as such I'm usually the highest level in the group. I have the team up badges already so most of my helping is also for the purpose of farming.
I always try to give everyone a chance to join the fight before playing any "kill shots". The problem arises when after three, four or even five rounds of waiting for a player to join, they're still standing in the background. It's easy enough to tell if someone is adjusting their deck or gear and many times it's obvious they are doing neither of these things. So how long is "enough" time?
I do care about the folks who "need" the credit to complete the quest... that's why I wait... but I also refuse to do the work for them. I'm never in a hurry but I don't appreciate being taken advantage of either. When I'm helping I try to limit myself to a support role as much as possible but there comes a time when enough is enough and I'll just finish it. If a "team mate" has waited for me to kill the minions and whittle the boss down to nearly dead before jumping in then so be it, they get credit for my work and that's OK... but if they wait too long to join and aren't in the battle when the boss dies, sorry but that's on them, not me.
I have the same problem.
How I solved it, is that the first round I'll put on a blade, the second a trap, then I'll hit the third round.
If someone is just standing in the background when I hit, that's just too bad.
I've lost count of the number of times the other players'll say "Where's the other guy? Oh there he is just standing there"

Jun 19, 2010
TucsonWizard on Feb 19, 2016 wrote:
Unfortunately this works both ways. I do a LOT of "helping" through the Team-up kiosk and as such I'm usually the highest level in the group. I have the team up badges already so most of my helping is also for the purpose of farming.
I always try to give everyone a chance to join the fight before playing any "kill shots". The problem arises when after three, four or even five rounds of waiting for a player to join, they're still standing in the background. It's easy enough to tell if someone is adjusting their deck or gear and many times it's obvious they are doing neither of these things. So how long is "enough" time?
I do care about the folks who "need" the credit to complete the quest... that's why I wait... but I also refuse to do the work for them. I'm never in a hurry but I don't appreciate being taken advantage of either. When I'm helping I try to limit myself to a support role as much as possible but there comes a time when enough is enough and I'll just finish it. If a "team mate" has waited for me to kill the minions and whittle the boss down to nearly dead before jumping in then so be it, they get credit for my work and that's OK... but if they wait too long to join and aren't in the battle when the boss dies, sorry but that's on them, not me.
Tucson Wizard sums up so well what many of us who are higher level players on teams to just help out. Its cool knowing you can one shot most opponents; but its also cool and fun to help support a team, and let lower level players shine and bring their big hits too.

And does it really matter what level you are!?! Bring your spells and come to have fun, and use them every chance you get.

And remember that you're missing a fantastic opportunity to take advantage of higher level players, because you can ask them questions about your deck set up, gear, pets, and spells you can; or should be using. So who cares they can one shot any and everything; what can they do for you too!?!

Feb 07, 2011
crystalwizard12345... on Feb 8, 2016 wrote:
This isn't a problem with the code, it's a problem with the players:

Please, if you join a team, and you're quite a bit higher than the thing you're fighting, make sure everyone is in the battle before you hit.

Too often i see a high level join a battle through team up, run in, and hit first round - a guarenteed one-shot of everything and battle over. Leaving the lower level players who weren't as fast (probably because of reading dialog), out of the battle.

When that happens, the poor little low level you were supposed to be helping has to do the battle over, as they weren't in it and didn't get credit.

Also, if the person left out came in over team up, now they have an 8 cool down timer before they can join another team.

So please, wait until everyone is in the battle before you attack.
wouldn't it be nice if we were all decent human beings? unfortunately, that will never happen~ people are innately self-serving and care only about themselves.

i don't contribute to the problem; if i'm using team up for an instance that puts me 10+ levels higher than the people i'm helping, i don't pack any hits at all~ i only cast blades, traps, and heals, unless specifically asked at the start of the battle. i answer questions if people ask them; i'm not an elitist, and i don't plan to start acting like one.

we all started out as the little guy; level means nothing.
