Although i dont like the bundle because the attire stats arent any good and the weapon is un useful as well. The pet is ok if your a storm wiz, So far it gives may cast windstorm, card stormzilla, card storm beetle. Treehouse isnt even a house its placed like the pagoda gauntlet and you get 3 eggs in tree that gives you small gifts daily. The mount is ok if your a mount collector.
Although i dont like the bundle because the attire stats arent any good and the weapon is un useful as well. The pet is ok if your a storm wiz, So far it gives may cast windstorm, card stormzilla, card storm beetle. Treehouse isnt even a house its placed like the pagoda gauntlet and you get 3 eggs in tree that gives you small gifts daily. The mount is ok if your a mount collector.
I love this bundle! It's pretty affordable if you just want a bundle that's just for fun. It also gives you a 1-Month Subscription, but I got the 5,000 crowns instead to hoard over the game packs :D
I love my little babydactyl. he is so cute and I am training him right now. So far he loves golden peanuts. And the mount is AWESOME. Sooooo many people are approaching me asking me to either be their friend, to ride it, to put me in a group chat, all of the above lol. I love this bundle. so worth it. oh yeah and i'm a master diviner :P