kingsisle, all my minion does is cast tower shield on itself like five times, then myth trap and troll. Can you fix this? Thanks -Sabrina Mistcloud level 38 myth
kingsisle, all my minion does is cast tower shield on itself like five times, then myth trap and troll. Can you fix this? Thanks -Sabrina Mistcloud level 38 myth
I don't think it's broken. I think it was set up something like that.
This link shows the details that might explain it for you:
kingsisle, all my minion does is cast tower shield on itself like five times, then myth trap and troll. Can you fix this? Thanks -Sabrina Mistcloud level 38 myth
... You can't ask KI to "fix" something just because it's not doing what you want. In the real world, people don't bend to your wishes like parents do.
What is wrong with it? What is "broken" that needed "fixing"? Even if something is broken, you would have to describe it to KI so they know how to "fix it".
If your assumption was that the Raging Minotaur should be attacking more often, then state it in your post. In which case, the response would be "No, it's not supposed to be attacking more often."
Raging Minotaur is a defensive minion unlike Cyclops Minion or Troll Minion.