Over about the past 6 months I've noticed a bug in WaterWorks. Frequently the Clams puzzle doesn't recognize that the clams are open even if the puzzle is done right. We've stood there with the correct clams open until the time runs out and we get pulled into a fight. It doesn't happen every time but fairly often. We can see all the blue clams up and no yellow, yet the game acts like we haven't done it.
Over about the past 6 months I've noticed a bug in WaterWorks. Frequently the Clams puzzle doesn't recognize that the clams are open even if the puzzle is done right. We've stood there with the correct clams open until the time runs out and we get pulled into a fight. It doesn't happen every time but fairly often. We can see all the blue clams up and no yellow, yet the game acts like we haven't done it.
Never happened to me, I only done it about 9 times within the last year though, just for fun.