I heard sun school is great. On the website, though, it said "cards enchanted with sun school spells disappear after combat is resolved" What does that mean? Are you not able to use the cards at all after 1 fight? Am I looking at it too hard? I don't want to put my training points in a school, just to have to buy it back later. Also, I'm almost there at the astral spells, so I need advice on which school to use, Sun, Moon, or Star Polymorphing seems awesome. A lot of my friends dominate with the Draconian Polymorph or the Treeant Polymorph. The Aura has excellent effects. I like to fill my treasure card pile with Auras and Healing. The Sun school looks awesome, turning already extreme cards to just plain insane Crowns get steep at higher levels, and I'm trying to buy an amulet to let me use Myth power pips, so I can buy back my training points from Life and put them into Myth
If you were to use a strong on a card like centaur and you didnt use the whole battle.. the centaur card would return back to a regular centaur card. but you will still have your strongs in your deck
I heard sun school is great. On the website, though, it said "cards enchanted with sun school spells disappear after combat is resolved" What does that mean? Are you not able to use the cards at all after 1 fight? Am I looking at it too hard? I don't want to put my training points in a school, just to have to buy it back later. Also, I'm almost there at the astral spells, so I need advice on which school to use, Sun, Moon, or Star Polymorphing seems awesome. A lot of my friends dominate with the Draconian Polymorph or the Treeant Polymorph. The Aura has excellent effects. I like to fill my treasure card pile with Auras and Healing. The Sun school looks awesome, turning already extreme cards to just plain insane Crowns get steep at higher levels, and I'm trying to buy an amulet to let me use Myth power pips, so I can buy back my training points from Life and put them into Myth
-Alexander Earthbane.... Lvl 47
Yes you are looking into the meaning to hard.... once you use a point to learn a spell you have it for life.... unless you buy back your points....all it is saying is that the spell you enhanced will not carry over to the next battle.... you just have to enhance it again....
I heard sun school is great. On the website, though, it said "cards enchanted with sun school spells disappear after combat is resolved" What does that mean? Are you not able to use the cards at all after 1 fight? Am I looking at it too hard? I don't want to put my training points in a school, just to have to buy it back later. Also, I'm almost there at the astral spells, so I need advice on which school to use, Sun, Moon, or Star Polymorphing seems awesome. A lot of my friends dominate with the Draconian Polymorph or the Treeant Polymorph. The Aura has excellent effects. I like to fill my treasure card pile with Auras and Healing. The Sun school looks awesome, turning already extreme cards to just plain insane Crowns get steep at higher levels, and I'm trying to buy an amulet to let me use Myth power pips, so I can buy back my training points from Life and put them into Myth
-Alexander Earthbane.... Lvl 47
The enchanted card goes away...meaning any card boosted will not remain boosted but your original spell and the original sun card remains. Train them... they are extremely handy. I'm personally not a fan of polymorphing since all your stats go away. Check out each... and make sure to click what you are going to morph into. You'll see what I mean.
Cards like sharpened blade and potent are used to enchant your regular spells in that battle only. They are very useful, so training for them is a very good investment. However, any enchanted cards created in that battle do not become a permanent part of the deck, but can be re-enchanted during the next battle. You don't lose anything nor is it a waste of a training point. I use them in nearly every battle.
by now, somebody probably responded to you, but the way Sun spells work is that you have to use those to enhance regular school spells. If you use a Sun school spell that enhances damage, it only works until you use the card up. If you were to use Strong on Helephant, it only stays that way in battle, after the battle, check your deck and your helephant card remains the same as it always does. Astral school spells only enhance/morph your current spells, it doesn't change them permanantly
The sun school is well worth the training points spent.
The sun school spells boosts your existing spells for that battle only. They are great for boosting the amount of damage on one of your existing spell. In the later world, especially Avalon and Azteca, that extra damage is nearly a must.
I have trained a few of the star spells. I used them a lot in Celestia and Zafaria. I don't use them much anymore.
In my opinion, the only moon school spells worth training are the life ones (treant and jaguar).
I heard sun school is great. On the website, though, it said "cards enchanted with sun school spells disappear after combat is resolved" What does that mean? Are you not able to use the cards at all after 1 fight? Am I looking at it too hard? I don't want to put my training points in a school, just to have to buy it back later. Also, I'm almost there at the astral spells, so I need advice on which school to use, Sun, Moon, or Star Polymorphing seems awesome. A lot of my friends dominate with the Draconian Polymorph or the Treeant Polymorph. The Aura has excellent effects. I like to fill my treasure card pile with Auras and Healing. The Sun school looks awesome, turning already extreme cards to just plain insane Crowns get steep at higher levels, and I'm trying to buy an amulet to let me use Myth power pips, so I can buy back my training points from Life and put them into Myth
-Alexander Earthbane.... Lvl 47
sun school enchantments are only available to those wizards level 52 and higher; at your level, you would be using treasure card versions of the spells, which are one use only and will disappear after that one use.
i think what the website means is that you have to enchant your spells every battle; enchanting them once does not permanently bind them to that spell card, because you can reuse the sun enchantments with different spells.
all of my wizards over level 52 have spent their points on the sun and star spells; leave the moon school out of your arsenal, as polymorphing may look cool (as it did to me when i was level 47), but is generally worthless~ when you transform, you lose all of your stats: no crit block, no resist, no boosts to healing or damage... all of which you need to survive, from celestia onward.
as your level increases, so does your power-pip chance, which renders secondary spells a waste of time and pips... my first wizard had secondary/tertiary skill sets at one time, but i realized how useless they were and had to buy her points back at level 80... not cheap! so don't bother with a secondary school~ you and your/your parents' wallet will thank me later.
Not true they do not disappear.Polymorphs are just actually a waste only cat bandit is worth it.The auras are very useful and I keep some in my side deck to use a stronger one when its time.I suggest you do not train moon school but train sun fists and all auras.What the web meant was treasure card ones disappear.
It means... You know that spell tough or keen eyes? You know when you click on it and you click on another card and they fuse together? Then you can make combat? That's what it means. I would go with... Let me think.... NO to moon Um... NO to star YES to sun.
Sun spells are like the spell Reshuffle. When you use one sun spell to enchant one of your spells the sun spell is gone FOR THAT BATTLE ONLY. Don't forget though, when you use reshuffle all the Sun spells you used in that battle WILL be put back into your deck like any other spell besides reshuffle itself.
If you're wondering what astral school to pick, I would go for Sun Spells (damage enchants only). Sun is a lot better in the long run. Moon and Star are decent but if I were to pick one I would go for the Star school. If you still like moon, I would go for the Treant Polymorph so you can have heals, but whatever you choose, Sun is a must have.