I'm currently in a 4v4 as I type this, and there was something that interested me as I played. A Fire casted Meteor, and it criticaled. It proceeded to hit each of my teammates, me included, and not one of us blocked. What was weird, and a bit annoying is that all of our Critical Block percents are all over 100. And not a single one of us blocked it, it was like if the first person didnt block, none of us did?
Anyone experience this? How come none of us blocked? I, myself, have a block rate of about 120 ish, if I can remember right, and I block just about everything. Honestly, the only rare moments I can remember of my NOT blocking, is in pvp. Sometimes 1v1, more 2v2 and 3v3, but most often 4v4. Chain reaction? or just some bad block?
It's not percent. It's a flat number that changes into a percent through some math. For level 90's divide your block by (4/11) and boom a block came out. Example(Math Sentence): 120/(4/11)=30-40% block chance. Now if you want a WAY more accurate percentage go to your character. Then click advanced stats. Move your mouse over your block number. You will see a percentage. That percentage is your chance of blocking a critical. Critical Death