Hey, I am new to this game, but am really enjoying it. I'm an older player and have played other online games before. So, I am used to some luxuries that I do not know if Wizard 101 has.
One......is there a button I can click to look at a list of all the quests I have. If so, can I select a specific quest to change the yellow arrow tracking?
Two.....I have gone to the wand shop to try and upgrade. I bought a wand that had 7 cards instead of 6, but all the cards were the same on the bottom section. How do I get a better wand with options? I know I can add specific spells to the top section, but I am still a bit confused on this portion of the game.
Hey, I am new to this game, but am really enjoying it. I'm an older player and have played other online games before. So, I am used to some luxuries that I do not know if Wizard 101 has.
One......is there a button I can click to look at a list of all the quests I have. If so, can I select a specific quest to change the yellow arrow tracking?
Two.....I have gone to the wand shop to try and upgrade. I bought a wand that had 7 cards instead of 6, but all the cards were the same on the bottom section. How do I get a better wand with options? I know I can add specific spells to the top section, but I am still a bit confused on this portion of the game.
Thank you.
To see all quests you have and/or change the one you have it's a simple two steps. First do you see the book at the lower right part of the screen? Select it and then on the right of the screen you get kind of options. Pick the one that looks like crosses swords and the you quest/quests appear. It should be noted that some quests don't have a help arrow so you have to either wander around looking or use the map option.
Your 2nd question is simple. You can't. Granted higher lvl wards may give you a extra pip. As you get higher lvls you however can get extra spells with certain pets/hats/boots ect.
Hey, I am new to this game, but am really enjoying it. I'm an older player and have played other online games before. So, I am used to some luxuries that I do not know if Wizard 101 has.
One......is there a button I can click to look at a list of all the quests I have. If so, can I select a specific quest to change the yellow arrow tracking?
Two.....I have gone to the wand shop to try and upgrade. I bought a wand that had 7 cards instead of 6, but all the cards were the same on the bottom section. How do I get a better wand with options? I know I can add specific spells to the top section, but I am still a bit confused on this portion of the game.
Thank you.
You can hit Q on your keyboard for the list of current quests that you have and you can also select another quest and the arrow will then take you to that current quest.
In my opinion the wand spell that gives you several different spells is really only useful early on, after you start leveling up you will want the want the wand that gives you 6 cards of the same spell. But if your an ice wizard you would want to get the wand that does fire damage. Because if you use a blade of your own school your going to waist that blade by using the small wand spell. The wand spells are 0 pips and most of us use them to bust out the tower shields of the enemy.
For example your an ice wizard going against a fire enemy, the fire enemy puts up a -80% shield and you have already casted a 35% blade on yourself, if you have a wand that does fire damage then just cast the 0 pip spell to bust out that shield and you don't waist any pips and keep building them up. If you had the ice wand you would use up your 35% blade, so I always have a wand that is not of my school. good luck
You said your new so I hope I didn't confuse you on the blades. You will get a spell that you cast on yourself that will increase your next spell. Like Ice has a 35% blade that you cast on yourself then the next ice spell you cast will be 35% more powerful
For One, Yes you can, If you open the book you can go to the quests pages, or you can press the letter Q, as for 2, the wand spells usually come with the same hits, usually same school and damage, as for some other wands they can come in 1-3 different school hits from what i have seen, to improve their damage you have to level up and get a new one, and some come with different hits, if there's a specific hitting type wand you want the level 1-50 should be good for finding specific hits, after that critical rate and block are added which changes your options, Hope this helped, good luck question!
1) Yes! Press Q to open your Quest Log. It will show you all of the quests you currently have, the goal you must achieve in order to complete them, and the rewards you will earn for doing so. Click on any one of them to have Quest Helper (the yellow arrow) track it.
2) I'm not really sure what you mean here, but I'll give it a shot. Wands come with "wand attacks" that look like colored explosions and do a small amount of damage, and each wand has around 5-6 copies of its attack. When you open your spell deck, you see all of the cards you chose to put in, and then a section at the bottom with your wand attacks in it; this is your Item Card section. Throughout your wizarding adventures, you'll find clothes, wands, and even pets that come with special cards. When you have those items equipped, the cards they give will be automatically added to your deck. Is that what you meant?
Hey, I am new to this game, but am really enjoying it. I'm an older player and have played other online games before. So, I am used to some luxuries that I do not know if Wizard 101 has.
One......is there a button I can click to look at a list of all the quests I have. If so, can I select a specific quest to change the yellow arrow tracking?
Two.....I have gone to the wand shop to try and upgrade. I bought a wand that had 7 cards instead of 6, but all the cards were the same on the bottom section. How do I get a better wand with options? I know I can add specific spells to the top section, but I am still a bit confused on this portion of the game.
Thank you.
Welcome! (I'm an older player as well)
1. yes, there is a way to track and change your quests. Hit "Q" on your keyboard. That will bring up all quests. You can then select the quest you want to follow. Exceptions to this are Professor Zeke quests and 'find' quests like that.
2. All cards for your wand will be the same and all will be in the bottom of your spell deck. This does not change. (there may be some high level wands with other cards, but if you've just started the game, I wouldn't concern myself right now)
The bottom portion is for 'special' cards that may come with clothing items, special wands, and your necklace spell.
Hey, I am new to this game, but am really enjoying it. I'm an older player and have played other online games before. So, I am used to some luxuries that I do not know if Wizard 101 has.
One......is there a button I can click to look at a list of all the quests I have. If so, can I select a specific quest to change the yellow arrow tracking?
Two.....I have gone to the wand shop to try and upgrade. I bought a wand that had 7 cards instead of 6, but all the cards were the same on the bottom section. How do I get a better wand with options? I know I can add specific spells to the top section, but I am still a bit confused on this portion of the game.
Thank you.
One... Press Q. This will open the quest-book. From there, you can click on a quest and change the yellow arrow.
Two... Most wands only have one spell that you can use, but give multiples. In your example, your wand gave you one spell, but gave seven of them. Unfortunately, there aren't many wands that give multiple different spells.
Hope I answered the questions to your satisfaction!
Hi Shannon, I'm an older gamer too. I might be able to help. I go ahead and splurge and buy a wand in the crown shop. It's power increases as you level so at first it's only a tap. I also don't use a wand of my school. Right now I'm fire and use a balance wand. A death wand also works well for a Pyromancer just to give you more abilities in battle. If you find one that you like the look of you can always have a higher powered one "stitched" to it. Keep the look and still have the upgrade. Now...I don't like a wand that has spell cards attached. I like sparkler card wands and here's why. Spell cards use your pips, sparkler cards don't. So you can hit a guy without losing pips while you're waiting for your cards to rotate. If you start a duel with sheilds (around your ankles to reduce incoming hits), blades (spin around your head to increase the power of your hits) and sparkles, you can build your pips for a good hit. As you level you will encounter spell cards whose power increases according to the number of pips you have. Having a bunch is good. The cards across the bottom left of your deck pages are attached to your gear. Be sure you always wear your ring, necklace and knife and choose those from other schools to face all enemies. Skip the wand shop and go to the Bazaar in Old Town. Cheaper. I go there often to unload stuff I don't want and upgrade my gear. Better gear=more life/mana. And your quests are listed on a page in your spell book. Running down the right side of your book click on the feather tab. You can change quests by clicking on the graduation hat at the bottom of the one you want. That changes your arrow. So much more to tell you and no room. Read the pages of the question mark tab for more help. Good luck,
But I am still having a hard time finding good wands. Maybe I am missing the concept here. I did read the beginners guide, but I have checked the shop and bazaar and only find wands with 8 of the same low cast spell. My current want has a mixture of spells, but their also getting pretty low on hit points.
One-the Q key will open your quest book and by clicking on the quest you want to do will enable arrow pointing of the quest, you'll see a yellow arrow on the top of the quest; provided it is one of the few quests that don't allow you to be guided-ie the Smiths searching quest.
Two-The better wands tend to come from drops, packs, crown shop or found founf in the bazaar, not the world shops. The spells at the bottom if your deck page-which you can access with the P key are auto equipped spells, from your equipped wand, gear, and pets. Those spells don't have to be put special into your deck they are always with you they show up at the bottom so you can verify the item you equipped that has a spell is set to be automatically shuffled into your deck come battle time and they can't be moved out unless you unequip the item. The spells on the upper part of your deck window can be manipulated base in the spells you have learned. You can add or subtract as you wish of those spells. Finally treasure cards, the top right of your spell deck has a yellow/gold pic of cards, this is for putting treasure cards-or one time use cards into your deck these are aquired from a variety of means, packs, crafting, loot drops, quest rewards, and trades. You add and subtract these the same way you do your learned spells. To call in battle you will need to discard a card from your deck during the battle using right click and then click on the draw option to pull a random treasure card from those you put in your deck.
But I am still having a hard time finding good wands. Maybe I am missing the concept here. I did read the beginners guide, but I have checked the shop and bazaar and only find wands with 8 of the same low cast spell. My current want has a mixture of spells, but their also getting pretty low on hit points.
Thanks for the help
As you level up, wands with better spells will become available to you. In time, you can get over 130 damage in wand spells. This takes patience however, and a LONG time.
But I am still having a hard time finding good wands. Maybe I am missing the concept here. I did read the beginners guide, but I have checked the shop and bazaar and only find wands with 8 of the same low cast spell. My current want has a mixture of spells, but their also getting pretty low on hit points.
Thanks for the help
Wands are more of a gear item then a damage/spell item. Having a wand equipped is more of a utility then something you will expect to get damage from.
Wands are useful for, breaking shields, discarding so you can access Treasure cards, something to throw while you build up pips, finishing off a monster etc. In other words look to the spells given by your teacher as the important ones not what a wand has. I use a wand of another school then mine so I don't use up my traps or blades, this doesn't work for Balance of course.
Later in the game, level 20 or so (I call them ruby on a sticks) you will find them useful to add a start up pip then a power pip and the amount of sparklers attached to it to vary.
The Bazaar is the best place to buy gear usually. As you go sometimes you get drops of decent things to use also. I put rare and unusual items in my shared bank when I get done with them so if I make new wizards they will have them. Mary StarGem