I am level 77 and all my spell quests i need to do are always late for me? like when i was going to get mass plauge i didnt get it till i was level 69' I just would like to know when i am going to get my level 75 spell quest i heard its cool, and when i am going to get mass convert?
well I had to search those out mass convert is the unicorn you save ...and it says you have to be level 70...now the one with the 2 arrows on it I cant find that one ..but still looking
I am level 77 and all my spell quests i need to do are always late for me? like when i was going to get mass plauge i didnt get it till i was level 69' I just would like to know when i am going to get my level 75 spell quest i heard its cool, and when i am going to get mass convert?
~Ryan dragonpants level 77
This link shows all of the Death School spells. You can click on any highlighted item to find more details, like "who" gives you the quest, and "prequests" so you can see what you still need to do.
This link shows all of the Death School spells. You can click on any highlighted item to find more details, like "who" gives you the quest, and "prequests" so you can see what you still need to do.