Here is a list of some of the problems with the new world I have come across so far.
*The immense lag and freezing of the game *Some of the quest in mooncliff do not update to next quest until you have logged out of game and back in. *Chat menu, spell book, health & mana meter disappear and reappear depending on where you are in mooncliff repeatively. *Player to player connection speed freezes and unfreezes depending on how close you are to someone while passing by.
Wow, it sounds like you have a slow computer, sorry to say but since Khrysalis has come out I have actually ran the game better. I think it's just you, I haven't heard any complains from anyone else on this topic. Level 95Miguel Level 92Miguel Level 40Miguel
Are you in a busy realm? I've been staying in perfect realms because I was having some issues as well in the busier ones, and it has been fine since I switched. There are a lot of crowded realms right now so that would be worth a check.