Greetings to all you w101 players out there! I just want your personal recommendation on which card pack you prefer. All I ask. Do you like to buy the islander's hoard pack, or the knights hoard pack? Hydra's pack or Phoenix pack? I just wanna know your marvelous opinions. Thank you.
I usually buy Knight's Lore packs because I want that permanent Deer Knight spell (and Loremaster is singy and won't give it, or any permanent spells, to me, darn her!)!!!! I've gotten use out of the Glorious Chivalric Boots and Plate from that pack too.
i would say the knights lore because i got catalan and deer knight and islander's hord because of my wand that gives 55 critical 1 pierce 10 incoming and link
I love the Nightmare and Dragon packs. The Darkwraith gear is really cool, because I refuse to show my face in the game, haha. And the bone dragon mount is pure awesome. I've been hearing that it now breathes fire, but I've not witnessed that. He just makes rears back and makes roaring noises XD Otherwise, it's the Kirin or Hydra packs. I love my gold kirin, and although I don't use my hydra much, it's great if you want to transport people :3
Knights lore pack is definitely the best it does not have to many housing items and treasure cards, it also seems like you have a higher chance to get gear and the knights lore pack has thee best gear.