I am not at this world yet. Anyways, I was in a battle in one of the worlds. And someone joined me and they had Shadow Magic. I asked them what level do you have to be to get Shadow Magic,and they told me at the end. But it seems like everyone is at different levels in the worlds. So its not the same for everyone. Do you get shadow magic in this world? Since this is the last world that I know of. I hope there is someone that can answer my question. Thanks
Excerpt from above web link: Shadow Magic is learned from Sofia DarkSide, a wise mouse mage located in the Eclipse Tower in Moon Cliffs. You will only be able to access her after you have completed the quest "Touching Shadow" and after you defeat her, she will teach you Shadow Magic. Shadow Magic Spells: http://www.wizard101central.com/wiki/Spell:Shadow_School_Spells
I am not at this world yet. Anyways, I was in a battle in one of the worlds. And someone joined me and they had Shadow Magic. I asked them what level do you have to be to get Shadow Magic,and they told me at the end. But it seems like everyone is at different levels in the worlds. So its not the same for everyone. Do you get shadow magic in this world? Since this is the last world that I know of. I hope there is someone that can answer my question. Thanks
"The end" is incorrect. This is available at level 92-97 right now: