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Highest Level

Jul 30, 2011
I don't know if this goes into this spot or not. My mistakes if it doesn't. Anyways. What is the highest health level you can be before you reach level 100? Let me explain so I don't confuse people. The highest health I've seen in the game is over 6,000 <--(i dont know the rest of the numbers) *level 81*

I was playing with someone in the game and they were level 76 (one level higher then me) but there health was over 5,000. And my health is over 4,000. My friend who is level 76 is closer to 6,000 but she isnt near level 81 yet.
I mean you can buy level 81 gear but you cant wear it yet.

Nov 06, 2013
It depends on what school they are and what gear they're using. Check this for more details: http://www.wizard101central.com/wiki/Basic:Level_Chart