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How does Reshuffle work?

Mar 09, 2010
Hello all,

I'm currently a Level 37 Storm Wizard, and I've been saving a Training Point since Level 20 to learn Reshuffle. Practically everyone I know has Reshuffle and says I should learn it, too, but I thought I should wait until I understand it better.

So how exactly does Reshuffle work? I don't understand what Reshuffle is... well, reshuffling. I don't think of myself as a newbie, but for the purpose of explaining Reshuffle to me, please talk to me like I am one ;)

Thank you very much!
Alric Thunderbreaker

Oct 09, 2011
It gives you back all the spells you've used or discarded.

Jan 23, 2014
Alric ThunderBreak... on Jan 2, 2015 wrote:
Hello all,

I'm currently a Level 37 Storm Wizard, and I've been saving a Training Point since Level 20 to learn Reshuffle. Practically everyone I know has Reshuffle and says I should learn it, too, but I thought I should wait until I understand it better.

So how exactly does Reshuffle work? I don't understand what Reshuffle is... well, reshuffling. I don't think of myself as a newbie, but for the purpose of explaining Reshuffle to me, please talk to me like I am one ;)

Thank you very much!
Alric Thunderbreaker
I find Reshuffle incredibly helpful, when you run out of cards Reshuffle shuffles them back into your deck.


Jul 18, 2010
Reshuffle is a card you use when you are running out of cards to cast. So you know how you have a deck and say the maximum cards you can put in it is 50. So while in battle you have 50 cards. As you discard and use up spells, those 50 cards are going to be less and less, especially in very long, hard battles. What reshuffle does is it places all cards back in your deck, so in other words you'll have all 50 cards again to use. (Well 49 since reshuffle doesn't reshuffle itself back into the deck... If you put one reshuffle in your deck, you only use that reshuffle ONCE..... It doesn't pop up again after you use it.. But if you put in 2.... You can use reshuffle twice since you put two in... So say you have 2 reshuffles and you use one. That one reshuffle that you used is gone for the fight. But! You still have the other one to use. So depending on the number of reshuffles you put in, that's how many you use for that fight.

Reshuffle is useful for pvp and super long and hard boss battles. Ok I think I should stop there because I'm probably really confusing you Well I hope I helped. Let me know haha

Sep 17, 2012
I don't really think it's worth learning by non-balance wizards. You can buy the TC version in the Library for 500 gold and it costs 3 pips instead of 4. Unless you pvp a lot, it's not something you need that often. Just carry a couple in TC's for emergency while doing pve.

Sep 17, 2012
As for how it works. It takes all the spells you have cast or discarded and reshuffles them back into your deck so you can draw/cast them again (with the exception of cast TC, those are gone).

Apr 05, 2013
Reshuffle helps in much later levels. Basically, if you run out of cards in a battle, use reshuffle to have them all go back into your deck.

Jun 30, 2013
When you use Reshuffle, it basically puts all of the cards that you have used back into your deck.
So let's say I was in a battle and it was a very long battle. If I end up running out of cards (Which does happen sometines), I can use Reshuffle to get all my cards back that I had before, kind of like starting a new battle. I hope this helped!

--- Michael StormFist: Level 50 Diviner ---

Dec 13, 2014
Well, its really useful for if you don't have that many cards left in your spell deck. All the cards you've used and discarded would come back into your deck, ready to use again. I first thought it would just shuffle around the cards you already have in your deck, but apparently thats not the case.

Hope I helped

~ Destiny ~

Feb 15, 2010
Re-Shuffle, does pretty much what it sounds like. It re-shuffles your spell cards.

The reason it comes in handy is this: Lets say you used all your spells, either because you needed them all for say, a boss fight, or you discarded a bunch to get to certain ones that you needed.
Now you find yourself out of spells, and opponents that still have life left.

Use Re-Shuffle, and all your spells re-appear for re-use.

Most only keep one in their deck, but a few keep two or more.

Hope that helps.

Jul 01, 2013
Alric ThunderBreak... on Jan 2, 2015 wrote:
Hello all,

I'm currently a Level 37 Storm Wizard, and I've been saving a Training Point since Level 20 to learn Reshuffle. Practically everyone I know has Reshuffle and says I should learn it, too, but I thought I should wait until I understand it better.

So how exactly does Reshuffle work? I don't understand what Reshuffle is... well, reshuffling. I don't think of myself as a newbie, but for the purpose of explaining Reshuffle to me, please talk to me like I am one ;)

Thank you very much!
Alric Thunderbreaker
I have reshuffle from Mildred Farseer, and the way it works is it shuffles all your cards back into your deck giving you different ones. This does come in handy when you need a attack, ward, or blade that is not in the spells that are presented to you for you to use (you know what I mean).Remember this costs 4 pips and can be bought from Mildred Farseer in Colossus Blvd. In the house near Mindy Pixiecrown. She also gives out dispel cards for all schools. Though if you want my personal opinion I regret buying it. When you buy the spell you are buying all 4 of the cards you can use while I only think I need one. I should have spent it on something else but I bought it anyway because all my friends told me it was good. But I think it could be more useful at a higher level because you have a much larger deck that holds more spells so you might not get what you want all the time. Hope this helps!

Scarlet Icesword Level:35