Just a quick question is this a good stats for a balance wizard level(100)
Critical:395 Block:250 Health:5721 Damage:82 Resist:50 Power pip:106 Pierce: 24 to balance Accuracy:21 to balance and 6 to all school.
Please comment... Thank you
What's your goal with these stats? PvP 1v1? If so, those are strong stats. You'll be well-suited for most opponents. What's your heal boost out/in?
If you're PvE dungeon questing in a team of four, I think your stats need to be more specialized for hitting/tanking/healing rather than being spread out over all abilities. I think those are okay stats for a backup hitter, but to be the primary hitter you'll want more reliable critical (over 500) and put less emphasis on defense, pips, health, and critical block. (And if you're questing in Darkmoor, it's very often smarter to just have one hitter on the team and focus on boosting their hits with trap cards.)
If you're tanking/healing in a PvE dungeon questing team, this should be good as long as the enemies don't possess strong armor piercing. If they do, it would be a better idea to go full Jade to remain above water.
What's your goal with these stats? PvP 1v1? If so, those are strong stats. You'll be well-suited for most opponents. What's your heal boost out/in?
If you're PvE dungeon questing in a team of four, I think your stats need to be more specialized for hitting/tanking/healing rather than being spread out over all abilities. I think those are okay stats for a backup hitter, but to be the primary hitter you'll want more reliable critical (over 500) and put less emphasis on defense, pips, health, and critical block. (And if you're questing in Darkmoor, it's very often smarter to just have one hitter on the team and focus on boosting their hits with trap cards.)
If you're tanking/healing in a PvE dungeon questing team, this should be good as long as the enemies don't possess strong armor piercing. If they do, it would be a better idea to go full Jade to remain above water.
Jade is good for questing but except for doing pvp jade gear doesn't have that much damage and critical at all..