So my storm wizard just reached level 38, and got the quest from Halston Balestrom about going to MooShu to collect a sample of water. It is the first quest, A Trip to MooShu where I have to talk to Din Ho in the Cave of Solitude. However when I go to the world gate to go to MooShu it isn't showing up on the list, Wysteria is the last world on my list. Is there something I have to do to gain access to MooShu first? Why won't it show up? Any help would be great!
So my storm wizard just reached level 38, and got the quest from Halston Balestrom about going to MooShu to collect a sample of water. It is the first quest, A Trip to MooShu where I have to talk to Din Ho in the Cave of Solitude. However when I go to the world gate to go to MooShu it isn't showing up on the list, Wysteria is the last world on my list. Is there something I have to do to gain access to MooShu first? Why won't it show up? Any help would be great!
Shawna ThunderDust
Yes, you must gain access to Mooshu through questing the main storyline quests in Marleybone. Once you complete Big Ben there, you will gain access to Mooshu.
Your school quest will still be there, so keep questing and have fun!