All of my gear sets have the same mana source, an athame and a ring. The exact same mana for every set, using the exact same source. When I change sets, my mana depletes by half, exactly half. KingsIsles says this is normal that mana will change when changing sets but it does not happen with any of my other wizards. Has anyone else had this happen? How can I fix it?
All of my gear sets have the same mana source, an athame and a ring. The exact same mana for every set, using the exact same source. When I change sets, my mana depletes by half, exactly half. KingsIsles says this is normal that mana will change when changing sets but it does not happen with any of my other wizards. Has anyone else had this happen? How can I fix it?
If you unequip a piece of gear that gives health or mana and equip another with health or mana, you'll have the health or mana you had without the gear. Example: Let's say you're a level 1 Ice with 500 health and 15 mana. You equip a Dulled Athame which gives you 10 health and mana. You'll have 510 maximum health and 25 maximum mana, but you'll only have 500 health and 15 mana. You'll have to get the missing health and mana back after you switch gear, because if you got full health after you switched gear, you could do that to replenish your health in dungeons.