Why are they so low? I did the Mount Olympus dungeon over 50 times and I only have the zeus shoes so far is this normal? I got the shoes on my 43rd try. I am currently on number 54 and now I might as well as wait for waterworks sense I am level 54. Seriously why are drop rates so bad toward me? I have done this boss in cyclops way for the red ghost over 200 times and I got the blue ghost! 2 times and some mounts that go half the speed of a regular one. What are the drop rates? They are ridiculously low for people like me who do dungeons over 50 times and get 1/3 the items someone else gets in just 15 tries. If you ask me I think the drop rate should increase every 15 tries. And I have looked all over I can not find the base drop rate. Why is it not listed? Is it because it is so ridiculously low that their afraid no one is going to farm for it? Well their right. I gave up on mount olympus......54 times.....sigh
Why don't you just settle for senator's gear? I was able to get full senator's in about 3-4 tries at the dungeon. But that is not including the times I had to restart because everybody left. The senator's gear is actually better in some aspects but the Zeus just has better health and healing boost. And really, why have you actually counted how many times you have done the dungeon anyways? And plus, you shouldn't be worried about that gear because you can shop for good gear that gives critical. I actually used my mount Olympus gear until lvl 56 and that was because I bought knight's pack. And btw, the waterworks gear is gonna be worth it! I know many people who haves used it until lvl 90 and on my first try with the dungeon I got a life mastery amulet, but... No gear ;(... So just hang in there until lvl 60 my friend.
Do Wintertusk and craft the level 56 gear its much easier than waterworks I usually go from senator to wintertusk to avalon crafted gear to azteca to khrysalis and if you feel like you can get the drops after weeks do darkmoor