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Crafting, fishing or gardening?

May 26, 2010
Hey Wizards,

I'm planning on making a high/max level () wizard.
What's the best thing to improve in my further gameplay for now and later in the game?
Fishing, Gardening or Crafting, and why?

Kind greeting, Randy.

Aug 24, 2015
My opinion only: start with gardening. The better plants give good to great pet snacks, treasure cards, regents and gold. You will want to do at least the crafting quests, and then later you can really start crafting. I love fishing; and it pays to fish (gold); and some fish are used in some crafting recipes; and the treasure chests have all kinds of goodies; So do at least the fishing quests, you can always add to these skills later.
So to sum it up: it is not an "or" it is more of a "when"; Garden first, Craft, Fish seems a good order to choose.
Best of Luck.

Feb 26, 2012
WolfRider95 on Oct 29, 2015 wrote:
Hey Wizards,

I'm planning on making a high/max level () wizard.
What's the best thing to improve in my further gameplay for now and later in the game?
Fishing, Gardening or Crafting, and why?

Kind greeting, Randy.

Try crafting overall. Crafting, when worked on early on in gameplay, can become extremely beneficial to the statistics of your wizard. If you're not the luckiest when it comes to gear drops you could just make your own. This is seen more frequently in the higher level worlds, like Azteca and onwards,

Oct 09, 2011
Fishing won't give you anything apart from a very small chance of getting a pet. Start at least crafting, because you'll be able to craft amazing gear in the higher worlds, and pick up every reagent you see on the ground if it's safe to do so. Gardening can give you useful Treasure Cards along with Mega Snacks to train your pets faster, so doing that can be good too.

TL;DR Start crafting and pick up every reagent you see. Start gardening alongside crafting if you also want TCs and Mega Snacks.

Sep 01, 2009
Fishing is fun, but not really a mainstay to the game. I agree with the other respondents-gardening and crafting. Gardening yields gold, reagents, and pet snacks, while crafting, especially starting in Wintertusk, does wonderful things to your stats.

Good luck!

Sep 17, 2012
I have to agree with Lewski on this. Crafting is 'optional' but it's really a valuable part of the game for making gear. You probably won't use it a lot until level 56+, but it's easier & worth doing it on the way up rather than going back and doing it later.

I didn't really start gardening until I was higher level, it's worth starting early though. You'll have an easy source of gold, snacks and TC. Fishing I wouldn't do early. It uses up too much energy that could be used on gardens and pet training.

Fishing is much better left until you are high level and have a lot of energy. It's more fun when you have 100+ energy so you can actually do it for a while without buying an energy refill.