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Is there a bug in the critical system?

Jan 18, 2010
Yes, the new critical calculation is awful and needs a big tweak back much more to where it was

Nov 27, 2009
I think you really cause very bad uproar in community of wizard101.
you made a bad move that will cause lot players be very anger right now with critical and block update not balance out enough to make work out well. I high suggest you switch critical and block system to old one unit you find more balance out system to use in next update this make lot your players happy if you do this.


William Hawk Grove

Aug 25, 2011
Professor Greyrose on Nov 18, 2015 wrote:
The changes to the critical system are explained here:


Quoting from the update notes:

The system for calculating Critical and Block has been altered to provide more balance in gameplay. Previously, if a Wizard’s Critical Rating was lower than the opponent’s block rating, they would almost never land a Critical hit against that opponent. The calculation has been altered as follows. When a Wizard casts a spell, the system will calculate a chance for them to achieve a Critical hit with a higher chance to succeed based on their Critical rating. Then the system will calculate a chance for the opponent to Block the Critical hit based on their Block rating. These new calculations will show a reduction in Critical and Block percentages overall. While this means that you may achieve a Critical cast less often than you previously may have, when you do land a Critical hit on an opponent, it is less likely to always be blocked. This should provide more variety in gameplay, and give Wizards the opportunity to continue to improve to level 110 and beyond in the future. As an added benefit to the system, Critical heals will now receive a minor bonus beyond the doubled healing amount.
Yes I understand that this is what was attempted but it didn't work, you made the bock chance WAY to low and lowered the critical chance a little to try to balance out, but the proportions are all wrong and it is messing up the game. I honestly thought polaris wouldn't have been released until they sorted this problem out but I was wrong. Now critical has become so over powered because if you can critical you can bank on your opponent not blocking. I recently had a set of gear before the update happened where I had 100% critical (on a life I know pretty darn good) and I wouldn't use this set in dungeons or while doing higher ranked areas but I would use it to boost lower level friends and it worked quite well. Now not only has my critical dropped, but even in worlds like Celestia, Zafaria or Avalon I can't block a critical with my set up. 110 critical block was good enough for low level areas and that worked well, as you progressed your block needed to improve and that was how the game worked. Now everything has gone haywire and people are landing a critical on opponents they shouldn't be landing on. Kingsisle you have to realize you got this all wrong, many people are complaining about this and you have to realize something must be done sooner or later, whether it is fixing the proportions or reverting the update all together. Also you do realize this is a problem a majority of active wizards would like to fix and for you to ignore it and just assume it is a group of people saying "we don't like the update" and they must be over reacting would be a terrible move. You have to understand this isn't a simple glitch or misunderstanding, this is a problem that as of now is making the game take a turn for the worse. All I know is definitely liked it better the old way and the way it looks like, the majority of the wizards agree with me. So its about time you actually read what we are saying and try to solve the problem rather then ignore it.

Wolf Anvilflame (LvL 100)

Mar 22, 2010
Pumpkin Wizard on Nov 20, 2015 wrote:
Yes I understand that this is what was attempted but it didn't work, you made the bock chance WAY to low and lowered the critical chance a little to try to balance out, but the proportions are all wrong and it is messing up the game. I honestly thought polaris wouldn't have been released until they sorted this problem out but I was wrong. Now critical has become so over powered because if you can critical you can bank on your opponent not blocking. I recently had a set of gear before the update happened where I had 100% critical (on a life I know pretty darn good) and I wouldn't use this set in dungeons or while doing higher ranked areas but I would use it to boost lower level friends and it worked quite well. Now not only has my critical dropped, but even in worlds like Celestia, Zafaria or Avalon I can't block a critical with my set up. 110 critical block was good enough for low level areas and that worked well, as you progressed your block needed to improve and that was how the game worked. Now everything has gone haywire and people are landing a critical on opponents they shouldn't be landing on. Kingsisle you have to realize you got this all wrong, many people are complaining about this and you have to realize something must be done sooner or later, whether it is fixing the proportions or reverting the update all together. Also you do realize this is a problem a majority of active wizards would like to fix and for you to ignore it and just assume it is a group of people saying "we don't like the update" and they must be over reacting would be a terrible move. You have to understand this isn't a simple glitch or misunderstanding, this is a problem that as of now is making the game take a turn for the worse. All I know is definitely liked it better the old way and the way it looks like, the majority of the wizards agree with me. So its about time you actually read what we are saying and try to solve the problem rather then ignore it.

Wolf Anvilflame (LvL 100)
100% agree, I am honestly doubting anything will be done though. This new system has ruined both PvP and PvE

Jun 06, 2009
I guess I never criticaled a lot in the past so I have yet to understand why all the screaming. In the past most times I did have a crit they were blocked, esp by the bosses, and I rarely crit healed , tho my stats were good. Storm crit a lot, but then they always did. Yesterday I was doing the ship in Polaris with the tuna dungeon. A fire in the group hit 3 out of 4 crits with meteor over the several fights, and just once was he blocked. I used my storm in the test realm, but it's not her turn to start a new world, so I can't say much there. right now I have ice,balance and myth active.I myself have not crit often, but then I never did, but I see crits around me and yes, I sometimes don't block, but then again, there were times we didn't before! Bosses, do not seem to be crit more and when we did they always blocked anyway. Now it seems maybe we can hit them. My teammates and I always made sure our resistances were high and I think that helps us now too. What I have noticed is the amount of pierce the bad guys are getting and the large % blades they have! We have been farming and crafting for pierce jewels since they came out.
I have played wizard for almost 7 1/2 years now, and pirate the 3+ years, I say solve this bickering by dropping the critical system altogether! we played fine without it before!
too many characters to list here (4 wiz and 4 pirate accounts)

Aug 31, 2011
witefeather on Nov 20, 2015 wrote:
I guess I never criticaled a lot in the past so I have yet to understand why all the screaming. In the past most times I did have a crit they were blocked, esp by the bosses, and I rarely crit healed , tho my stats were good. Storm crit a lot, but then they always did. Yesterday I was doing the ship in Polaris with the tuna dungeon. A fire in the group hit 3 out of 4 crits with meteor over the several fights, and just once was he blocked. I used my storm in the test realm, but it's not her turn to start a new world, so I can't say much there. right now I have ice,balance and myth active.I myself have not crit often, but then I never did, but I see crits around me and yes, I sometimes don't block, but then again, there were times we didn't before! Bosses, do not seem to be crit more and when we did they always blocked anyway. Now it seems maybe we can hit them. My teammates and I always made sure our resistances were high and I think that helps us now too. What I have noticed is the amount of pierce the bad guys are getting and the large % blades they have! We have been farming and crafting for pierce jewels since they came out.
I have played wizard for almost 7 1/2 years now, and pirate the 3+ years, I say solve this bickering by dropping the critical system altogether! we played fine without it before!
too many characters to list here (4 wiz and 4 pirate accounts)
Critical is the most powerful thing in the game, that’s why they’re messing with it. If you haven’t used critical much, cool, but most of us have. It’s like that old WWII song, “how ya gonna keep ‘em down on the farm, after they’ve seen Paree?” Well, we’ve worked like dogs to up our criticals, and now they’ve taken them away from us. It stinks to high heaven.

Why level up when (at least for storm) it makes you weaker and weaker? Ninety-nine percent of the game is outside the final bosses of Polaris, and maxing your storm will return you to level 70 stats. What’s the point?

Jun 09, 2010
Pumpkin Wizard on Nov 20, 2015 wrote:
Yes I understand that this is what was attempted but it didn't work, you made the bock chance WAY to low and lowered the critical chance a little to try to balance out, but the proportions are all wrong and it is messing up the game. I honestly thought polaris wouldn't have been released until they sorted this problem out but I was wrong. Now critical has become so over powered because if you can critical you can bank on your opponent not blocking. I recently had a set of gear before the update happened where I had 100% critical (on a life I know pretty darn good) and I wouldn't use this set in dungeons or while doing higher ranked areas but I would use it to boost lower level friends and it worked quite well. Now not only has my critical dropped, but even in worlds like Celestia, Zafaria or Avalon I can't block a critical with my set up. 110 critical block was good enough for low level areas and that worked well, as you progressed your block needed to improve and that was how the game worked. Now everything has gone haywire and people are landing a critical on opponents they shouldn't be landing on. Kingsisle you have to realize you got this all wrong, many people are complaining about this and you have to realize something must be done sooner or later, whether it is fixing the proportions or reverting the update all together. Also you do realize this is a problem a majority of active wizards would like to fix and for you to ignore it and just assume it is a group of people saying "we don't like the update" and they must be over reacting would be a terrible move. You have to understand this isn't a simple glitch or misunderstanding, this is a problem that as of now is making the game take a turn for the worse. All I know is definitely liked it better the old way and the way it looks like, the majority of the wizards agree with me. So its about time you actually read what we are saying and try to solve the problem rather then ignore it.

Wolf Anvilflame (LvL 100)
Unfortunately, ignoring it seems to be exactly what they are doing. As much as I think the crit system is now broken, I'm even more upset that they aren't even acknowledging our complaints (except to continually link to the new rules, as if the problem is we just don't understand the change).

I just can't play a game run by a company like this. Whether I might have adjusted to the new system, I don't know. I was already thinking that it wasn't fun enough to continue, but now it's gone beyond that. KI has shown itself to be a company that doesn't care about its customers, so now the decision to leave has basically made itself. And I'm sad about that.
