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Best School For Pve/Solo?

Jan 02, 2016
I'm probably beating a dead horse that has already been gone over too many times, but does anyone feel like there actually is a "best school"? I can't seem to have fun with only one type, which is why I create a lot of wizards. IS there someone here to explain to me exactly how each school feels in other peoples' hands? Cause with me, I feel as if I don't have one favorite type. They're all alright, but none of them actually stand out to me as if I could mainly play only one.

Oct 14, 2015
Obviously there is no "best" school because Kingsisle made the game so all the schools have Pros and Cons. It's not even about the best school, It's how skilled the player is at that school. And if you can't choose a school think about the 3 roles, support, damage, or tanking. If you want to be a tank you can be life, ice, or balance. If you want to be support you can play balance or life. If you want to be a dps you can play fire, storm, and myth. If you want an easy soloing experience be death.

Nicholas StormSword 67

Oct 14, 2015
Also, This is how I feel about each school

Very good at soloing due to shields, people usually want my balance in a dungeon group
I don't like it, most people ask you to go in first and/or shield them
One of my favorites, hitting hard and healing back, very easy soloing school
My first character was a fire, I ended up quitting him at level 88, very boring
You can never go wrong with myth, you have decent health and can summon minions.
I only have a 22 life due to the fact battles take forever with life, attacks are very weak
My personal favorite, you hit like a truck but you are essentially a glass cannon

May 21, 2011
I enjoy playing all the schools too, and pretty much always solo on any school I'm playing unless I really can't do it alone (for like a really tricky cheating boss or dungeon). I think any school can solo effectively, but hands down I'd say death is the best equipped for it and I feel the most relaxed soloing on death as I'm like 1000% positive I'm not going to die and with the ability to heal and attack simultaneously.

Jan 02, 2016
Stormdracon on Jan 20, 2016 wrote:
Also, This is how I feel about each school

Very good at soloing due to shields, people usually want my balance in a dungeon group
I don't like it, most people ask you to go in first and/or shield them
One of my favorites, hitting hard and healing back, very easy soloing school
My first character was a fire, I ended up quitting him at level 88, very boring
You can never go wrong with myth, you have decent health and can summon minions.
I only have a 22 life due to the fact battles take forever with life, attacks are very weak
My personal favorite, you hit like a truck but you are essentially a glass cannon
Currently my main is an type. I love being a tank, but then again I don't like the lack of damage. I'm thinking either or will be my new main some time. I usually like to level up a character and see how I enjoy it. That was very helpful, thank you :)

Aug 11, 2014
Best school for pve solo is prob in this order: Best to worst btw

Best school for 1v1 pvp:

- all about the same skill lvl.

Lvl 110
Lvl 70- soon to be prodigious

Aug 10, 2009
I had the easiest time with my death gal because you do damage and heal at the same time.. I had the most fun though with my storm or my fire gal.. hardest time i had with my ice.. would never ever do ice again.. ever...

Sep 06, 2010
G4M3R101 on Feb 22, 2016 wrote:
Best school for pve solo is prob in this order: Best to worst btw

Best school for 1v1 pvp:

- all about the same skill lvl.

Lvl 110
Lvl 70- soon to be prodigious
I have to disagree with you. In my opinion myth is second best. They have minions and have the second hardest damage in the game. We are the spirit version of storm.

Jul 18, 2009
I have a very easy time soloing on pretty much every school, except maybe life but that's just because it can be kinda boring when it takes so much longer to defeat enemies because of your pitiful attack spells. It's really just a matter of getting into the groove of each school and learning how to make battles efficient. It's kinda nuance-y in my experience so unfortunately the best advice I can give you is to just mess around for a while and see what works.