I need to know when Mooshu ends, no offense, but i find it boring. I know the last thing you do is defeat the whatever oni, but can someone tell me what is before that. Professor Greyrose can you help me.
Thanks if you reply Jasmine Owltalon Level 36, Myth
I need to know when Mooshu ends, no offense, but i find it boring. I know the last thing you do is defeat the whatever oni, but can someone tell me what is before that. Professor Greyrose can you help me.
Thanks if you reply Jasmine Owltalon Level 36, Myth
Wizard 101
The last event prior to Jade Oni in Jade Palace is completing the dungeon for The Tree of Life.
Enjoy Mooshu while you can it's the last world that I actually like. DragonSprye is dark and red, full of spiders and hideous looking monsters and game play steps up a bit so you have to focus more on gear and deck set up to get by.
Mooshu is actually pretty fun. Compared to long worlds like Dragonspyre, Mooshu is a blast! I finished it in 3 days by myself on my ice, I enjoyed it, then I had to go to Dragonspyre again... Uck.