How bored would you be with the game if every fight was easy, you finished every quest in less than5 minutes, and every pet came with the best stats and you didn't even have to train it. The game is a challenge. Beating the challenge makes it feel rewarding. As for worlds requiring it to be done with others helping, "two heads are better than one".
Finish a fight in 5 minutes or less? I have not done that since early in the first arc. If I could complete a battle in Az in 5 to 10 I would be in heaven. But sadly, that does not happen for very many players at all in Az. In fact when it is battle after battle after battle, it becomes very tedious. There is not fun or magic in the constant grind to try to beat a world that can beat you down at every turn. Don't get me wrong, I like a challenge, but not a slaughter. I am not trying to be a self advocate, but trying to get across what others have tried to do as well.
NO one is asking for Az to be made easy by what some think in terms of mirroring the first arc. they are asking for the world to be BALANCED between our wizards and those mobs/bosses. Power Pip increases on our wizards for one could go a long way in the second arc starting with Av or even Zf.
But the fact that many seem to overlook is that the second arc is a virtual GHOST arc and getting worse with each new world. I have been traveling through those worlds thrying to help a friend when I can. You MIGHT see one or two other players here and there but otherwise, they are empty. The Morganthe arc has lost a lot of players for various reasons. No longer fun or magical, wizards are becoming weaker , mobs/bosses stronger and even getting our newest spells now before we do, they can take a wizard out within a couple of rounds before you can blink an eye. I have soloed most of the second arc on 3 wizards to various points with the exceptions of a few bosses. It can be done but by no means is it fun or magical.
Yes, I have seen the posts about how we train pets and to be honest, I doubt that will ever change. But then I am not asking for it to either. Myself and many, many others have spent hours upon hours hatching and training for the pets that work best for each of our wizards.
Beating a challenge CAN be rewarding but, by the time you get to Az, the rewards aren't worth the challenge. The storyline in the second arc has gone AWOL. Good luck if you can hang on to it. Where at one point we were still able to pick up side quests as we went, that is no longer an option in the second arc. If you don't know it is a side quest, you don't dare refuse it. and even if you do, it may not be a good idea to refuse. Why, becausee some of them have to be done in order to accomplish other tasks.
Two heads are better than one as long as that second head is a friend/s that you have had running time with and you know how each other plays. And Yes, I have some very AWESOME FRIENDS.
I know I'm not the only one that feels this way, right?
I've been playing this game since Feb 2009. I was literally HOOKED. The spells, the quests, the friends I made... Man, those were the times lol. I played in the mornings, I played in the night, and then the next day, I wanted to do it all again. I had a ton of fun.
But then, something changed. I suddenly became less interested.
Something terribly wrong happened during the Celestia era. I was still having a blast in Wizard101 during the time, but with certain things like advanced pets and critical, the game was getting very technical. Of course the game was still good but It only got worse from there.
Nowadays in order to actually get far in a world (*cough* Azteca), you need a good pet which requires TONS of hatching and Mega snack packs (unless you farm Waterworks for hours, BLEH.), a mastery amulet, and in some cases, henchmen. I might as well throw a stash of money and instantly be done with Azteca lol, because that's what's happening...
I know you all think I'm just being a sourpuss, or a dirty blanket (wut) but come on, this game has changed tremendously. I feel like I'm playing Skyrim and WoW together, which is horrible because I come to this game to escape frustration from those sort of games. I came to this game as a casual "just wants to have fun while bored" player, but now I find myself working insanely hard on quests, pets, and crafted gear.
W101 is just like Spongebob, the new version of it is really bad, and people only enjoyed it because of what it had in the beginning, not what is has now lol.
I couldn't agree more! Well Said. This game completely captivated me in the beginning. I started playing because my daughter was playing and I wanted to see what she was doing. It was delightful! Magical, cheery, fun, good to visit with people you meet, a great story arc, a real family game.
I still enjoyed the game up through Avalon, though for the higher worlds my character had surpassed my daughters character. I still was playing with friends and that was nice, but the length of time required to complete simple battles kept going up and up. It was getting not to be a challenge, but a frustration. I mean, how many people just hate that "did not collect" message after what should be a simple street fight?
Azteca killed it for me though. I have yet to finish. Once I came close, but after four hours and many henchmen, I lost anyway. Four hours? Really? And it was not even four interesting hours with good story, it was just a stupid slog of repetitive boring battles!
I still play with my daughter, but her interest has waned as we reached Celestia. Now she mostly just wants to do housing. For both of us, the delight of the earlier worlds is no longer there. This is sad. It was fun for both of us, and reawakened the kid in me, when I started. But Wizards seems to have lost its innocence, and lost touch with what made it great to begin with. There are lots of "hard core gaming" online, pc, and console options out there; Wizards used to be unique in that it really was family fun appropriate, kid-like, wide-eyed with discovery and delight. But it seems to be morphing into just another gamers waste of time.
Avalon and Azteca are my two favorite worlds. I love the new features that are being added, and hope new challenges await. The game is more "magic" than ever!
You've most likely been able to put up with AZ because you've played games like WoW in the past, 'cause if your wizard started in Wizard City, you'd notice a BIG change.
I'm not going to judge though, there are lots of wizards who find the second arc still enjoyable.
I think it's because with Morganthe there is no back story. Why is she trying to destroy the spiral? What made her want to do it?
With Malistaire we knew why. And, the story, in my opinion, was a whole lot better. It pulled you in.
I can't get into Morganthe's plot. However, I still enjoy playing the game regardless of not understanding the storyline.
Despite how much I hated doing AZ, I did it in hopes of reading something a bit interesting that would give us lots of backstory on Morganthe. Seems like they're going to spit everything at us with the last world of the arc.
Wow when I first saw the topic I was like what I don't fell that way. Now I relize. I really do. Spending time to get crafted armor. Spending time to get good pets. Anticipating the moment when I am close to a new attack spell. The fact that I keep trying for even more critical rating. I also just now discovered when you said "I play this game to escape other games like that" my heart stopped. My cousins, friends and family always said "Hey come play Halo, or Minecraft, or Call of Duty." I never relized it but I play it for the same reason. But now I feel as if it is one of those games now. :( I need to think about my feelings for games for a second.
Thanks for helping me relize this!!! ( sorry for my mistake of spelling relize wrong constantly I don't now how to spell it)
I agree that the second arc has a pitiful story line and I thought that mooshu and kroctopia were much better and very magical. Unlike most the posters though i do not agree difficulty on the new should be lowered. Dificulty is not what bothers me but repetitiveness and a boring story line. "Go collect some item by defeating some enemy a thousand times," is a quest used way to much. This coupled with a boring story line makes the newer worlds boring. I seriously hope the people at Kings Isle think more about the story line more in the next new world. I don't care if its a game, a book, or a tv show, story line is the most important factor to me.
I actually think the opposite of your opinion. I think the new stuff is totally making it way funner because you need more strategy. As for the pet thing, I dont know where you came up with that theory but any pet works in azteca. plus, henchman arent always needed, I soloed 3 bosses rnk 11 with 11,000 health and one of them was balance. I am planning to do the same thing for sabertooth spell (only 3 lvls away! woo hoo!) unless I am srsly stuck after like 5 tries. I can agree with you on one thing though, what takes the magic outta this is everyone making you feel the only way to be cool is being pvp warlord with the guardians stuff and fancy cat mount which is totally untrue!
I feel for you It used to be so magical and getting lost in it's fantasy but now it feels so rushed and repetitive I just hope that they don't do this with P101, and I'am not that competitive anyways...
The 2nd arc is so frustrating I had to play through the bosses the dungeons and the rest of the horrors until AZ but I still enjoyed AV and WT but that was the only worlds that gave me the same feeling that the first arc did.
I do agree to I mean I think that when so many people started playing it when to there heads I liked the idea but its just sad now.
They see 30 million players as a chance to make the worlds hard beyond a challenge and then make the henchmen more expensive so that players will be forced to buy henchmen constantly. I'm looking at you, Azteca.
I actually think the opposite of your opinion. I think the new stuff is totally making it way funner because you need more strategy. As for the pet thing, I dont know where you came up with that theory but any pet works in azteca. plus, henchman arent always needed, I soloed 3 bosses rnk 11 with 11,000 health and one of them was balance. I am planning to do the same thing for sabertooth spell (only 3 lvls away! woo hoo!) unless I am srsly stuck after like 5 tries. I can agree with you on one thing though, what takes the magic outta this is everyone making you feel the only way to be cool is being pvp warlord with the guardians stuff and fancy cat mount which is totally untrue!
matthew wyrmblade lvl 85 (finally! woot!) balance
But, don't you feel that sitting there for an hour or two soloing 3 guys with 11,000 health boring? it's like a playing a long game of chess! blehhck! lol. (this is simply an assumption, who knows, maybe you soloed it very quickly idk)
I couldn't agree more! Well Said. This game completely captivated me in the beginning. I started playing because my daughter was playing and I wanted to see what she was doing. It was delightful! Magical, cheery, fun, good to visit with people you meet, a great story arc, a real family game.
I still enjoyed the game up through Avalon, though for the higher worlds my character had surpassed my daughters character. I still was playing with friends and that was nice, but the length of time required to complete simple battles kept going up and up. It was getting not to be a challenge, but a frustration. I mean, how many people just hate that "did not collect" message after what should be a simple street fight?
Azteca killed it for me though. I have yet to finish. Once I came close, but after four hours and many henchmen, I lost anyway. Four hours? Really? And it was not even four interesting hours with good story, it was just a stupid slog of repetitive boring battles!
I still play with my daughter, but her interest has waned as we reached Celestia. Now she mostly just wants to do housing. For both of us, the delight of the earlier worlds is no longer there. This is sad. It was fun for both of us, and reawakened the kid in me, when I started. But Wizards seems to have lost its innocence, and lost touch with what made it great to begin with. There are lots of "hard core gaming" online, pc, and console options out there; Wizards used to be unique in that it really was family fun appropriate, kid-like, wide-eyed with discovery and delight. But it seems to be morphing into just another gamers waste of time.
I agree, KI wasn't showing their full potential with Celestia, Zafaria and Avalon (they showed a bit more with Avalon, but it still doesn't entirely scratch the surface) but Azteca was a totally new low.
Also it's a shame your daughter isn't so interested with Wizard101 anymore, but I wouldn't be either with Celestia. KI, think of the children!!!
I feel the same i've been playing wizard101 for quite awhile. It doesn't feel the same anymore all these new stuff and pets and the hard bosses. It's becoming too much. Most of my friends have quit and it's just too different.
just in response to all the people complaining about bosses or wt ever and their super high life-its really not that hard. kill the minion, hang in there while you set up all your boosts and one shot them. its really pretty simple actually. i agree that the game has gotten harder, but hey, everything in life gets harder the further you go. the key to going further in the game and still having fun is bringing friends along-another wizard's help is invaluable, and their friendship and company even more so. if your getting sick of the quests and things, just take a break and mess around with some friends. hang out at a house (i can almost guarantee at least ONE of your friends has pyramid fantasy castle or sultans palace). make a team and hit the practice pvp, find new friends in the commons. if that gets boring, head back to questing, it'll be surprisingly refreshing to switch back and forth. Hope this helps people. Seth Legend lvl 78 death lvl 30 myth lvl 30 storm
you are right sure i have not played the game as long as you but you are right. when i started playing wizard101 the game was really fun. but now like you said the quests are getting harder and more boring . i still play the game just when i am board. not all the time.
Whining never helps. There are over a million other people playing, a few people won't make a difference. If you don't like it that much, than why play? Whining. Never. Helps.
Whining never helps. There are over a million other people playing, a few people won't make a difference. If you don't like it that much, than why play? Whining. Never. Helps.
First of all, this is not whining. This is people sharing their disappointment in the direction the game has taken. We are among those millions who have played, and our voice and experience is shared by many others. You may notice that this thread has had thousands of hits on it, while many posts may gather just a few hits. This post speaks to something that many people feel who have really loved this game and spent many hours playing it. I for one would like to play it even more, if the game retained the magic it had in the earlier worlds.
Secondly, a few people can make a difference. Indeed, every single movement in society started at first with just a few people who do make a difference, by being responsible enough to speak up and act when they think it is important enough to do so. So I am glad there is a forum for me to share my thoughts, and I am grateful to the person who started this thread. I am also glad that people at KI monitor and therefore read these posts.
If you disagree with the point of this thread, then why don't you articulate what you disagree about, instead of trying to label it as "whining?" Enter into the conversation, don't try to shut it down.
I agree with you. Once all these warlords and perfect healing and resist pets, it was hard to catch up. At times i felt like my school wasn't even strong enough to defeat any of these bosses. It was a big leap from Dragonspyre. But the way i solved it was made some new friends with the same quest i had, and we worked on them together to make it more entertaining than soloing everything. Sometimes, if the game bores you or makes you frustrated, make a new wizard and start fresh, I know the sound of the bone cages relaxes me! Or, you could take a break for a while, go outside, get some fresh air, play with neighbors or even study for school (even if you have finished your homework or its summer) or possibly read a book. Anything that could take your mind off of frustration through the game. I hope some of this helps!