I decided the schools i will be doing which is Fire, Myth, Life, and Ice. I'm considerate on another wizard but i'm not sure, i still have my GM Death but i'm starting to not like death all that much since i get tired of constantly stacking traps and blades. So the only schools i haven't done/canceled is Balance and Storm. Can anyone tell me a good strategy on how to solo one of these schools? It would really help.
Devin Starcaster Level 86 Eric Legendcaller Level 18 Wolf Jadebreaker Level 54 Destiny NIghtglade Level 24
Soloing bosses is hard but can be done and all balances can solo any mob. Balance is all about strategy. Different worlds, levels, spells and enemy schools all matter in soloing a mob. The spells and world/rank mostly matter.....Here they are for the most part
Wizard city: Just like everyone else, attack until enemy is dead(full deck) Krokotopia: attack or you can blade and attack(full deck) Marleybone: Blade, attack, repeat and heal if needed(full deck) Mooshu: Blade, attack with your best spell, heal if needed (full deck) Dragonspyre: Blade, all enemy spell, heal(half or full deck, but treasure cards) Celestia: Blade, trap, attack with most powerful spell, heal (Half or full deck) Zafaria: Blade, traps, all enemy spell (half or full deck) Avalon: Blade twice, trap once heal if needed(Balance blade, bladestorm, trap) and attack with judgement or chimera, then heal(small deck) Azteca: Blade and trap as much as you can then do all enemy spell and heal right after (tiny deck)
This is how I solo mobs. Bosses are more challenging
Steps.... 1) Kill the minion first 2) shield 3) blade, trap as much as you can on boss 4) Attack 5) Heal 6) shield 7) repeat steps 2-6 until enemy is dead
- Train in Life spells. Their heals and high accuracy rate help balance Storm's low health and accuracy. - Keep a small deck. For each duel, figure out what you'll need: whether it be heals,a big attack spell, or an AoE spell, just put a few of that type of card in your deck. It will increase the chance of you getting it earlier, and the duels will go faster. - Get gear that boosts your health and damage. Health because you need it, and damage because it's what Storm's best at, and you might as well maximize it. - It is impossible to solo all of Wizard101, there are dungeons like Waterworks and Tower of the Helephant that were desgined for group play. So solo what you can, but bear in mind there will be times when you will have to ask for help. Hope this was helpful!
Get as high resist and damage as you can. I recommend getting a spudf pet. Kill fast before you die. Shielding is key to survival in high leveled worlds like Azteca. I recommend training tower shield. It would be very smart to train in life. Always be cautious about your health since its so low. And most importantly, never give up. You can solo any thing if you want and truly try :) Nothing has to be a group effort.
Get as high resist and damage as you can. I recommend getting a spudf pet. Kill fast before you die. Shielding is key to survival in high leveled worlds like Azteca. I recommend training tower shield. It would be very smart to train in life. Always be cautious about your health since its so low. And most importantly, never give up. You can solo any thing if you want and truly try :) Nothing has to be a group effort.
I'd add to this don't neglect accuracy. If you don't connect, your massive damage won't matter.
Most accuracy boosting gear does come with a moderate damage boost.