You have to discard one of your spells in order to select a Treasure Card. You can do this by right-clicking one of your spells. Then, you will be able to press the Draw option. You do not have to ability to choose which Treasure Card you will draw.
I have treasure cards in my deck but the button DRAW never lights up! How can I fix this?!?!?
Destiny Breeze
You may only have a maximum of seven cards displayed at a time. In order to use and draw a treasure card you must first discard a card in your display, or if you have some of the solar spells they can be combined to make room. In order to discard a card right click on the card you wish to discard. (Please note you will not be able to use the card you discarded unless you reshuffle it back into your deck, so be careful what you select)
Afterwards as long as you have loaded the treasure cards into the deck you have equipped the draw button will high light and become active.
if you have two or more decks, you need to make sure that the treasure cards are in your currently equipped deck. if they are, you go into battle, and discard a card by right clicking it. the cards will dissapear and the draw will light up. hope this helps
I don't see how. I've had this problem several times. It's not like the mobs and bosses don't cheat. All we're doing is picking a treasure card like we would a regular spell. The only place this shouldn't be allowed is pvp. Then it would be unfair