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Everything is about Crowns...

Jan 13, 2010
Now that I came back after no membership, I have seen that everything is about crowns.

Tournaments are crowns, why does everything have to be crowns.
We have already paid for membership, and now crowns. Why cant things just be crowns?

Cole Dunerunnner

Oct 24, 2010
Cole Dunerunner on Jul 7, 2013 wrote:
Now that I came back after no membership, I have seen that everything is about crowns.

Tournaments are crowns, why does everything have to be crowns.
We have already paid for membership, and now crowns. Why cant things just be crowns?

Cole Dunerunnner
"Why cant things just be crowns?"
I'm assuming you mean gold.

Because KI is a business and crowns are cash. But yes, it's way out of control, in my opinion.

Dec 20, 2012
Cole Dunerunner on Jul 7, 2013 wrote:
Now that I came back after no membership, I have seen that everything is about crowns.

Tournaments are crowns, why does everything have to be crowns.
We have already paid for membership, and now crowns. Why cant things just be crowns?

Cole Dunerunnner
its so they get you to pay more money to them, thats how "free" MMORPG games work, they get you to pay more money so they can expand business. Hope this helps!

Alyssa IceBlade

Corporal of

Apr 21, 2009
Crowns are what also support the game, give it that extra boost to enhance the servers. It would be harder to gain profit from only membership for KI, so they implemented crowns, in which, are a premium currency that generates more revenue for KI and helps support the game more.

Mar 13, 2012
uh that would be unfair for those who bought the 12-month membership recently, and are still paying for it. Also, you would have to buy every single place, which gets annoying, which loses people, which loses money for KI. And i do think it's unfair that tornaments cost crowns

Jan 13, 2010
I hate to say this, but people who have a load of money, seem to have better chances of winning loads of things.
Like, for example, one can buy 60,000 crowns, and then, spend it on really good pets, and gear.
Why can't some of the crowns things be dropped from bosses, or as a reward.
I do love this game, and I really do, for I have never, tried a different game that is like Wizard101. I have always sticked to this game, and always will.
But the thing is, people who have money, can but things better than WW gear, better than most gear.
So, for one thing, KI should make it that it is dropped by someone, someone who is hard, so it should make up for the lack of money we have.
And, if you have crowns, you can buy henchman, two minutes, done.
In one day, you could get up to level twenty in about two days.
But for people who go to school, we only have about one hour.

Cole Dunerunner

Most items that can be purchased for Crowns can be obtained in another manner, either through purchasing with gold, purchasing with Arena tickets, crafting, or winning as rewards from duels throughout the Spiral.

Items that shortcut gameplay such as elixirs, henchmen and other advantageous items are only available for Crowns.

If you do not have the Crowns to spend, you can spend the time in the game to get the rewards.

Jul 21, 2009
Cole Dunerunner on Jul 7, 2013 wrote:
Now that I came back after no membership, I have seen that everything is about crowns.

Tournaments are crowns, why does everything have to be crowns.
We have already paid for membership, and now crowns. Why cant things just be crowns?

Cole Dunerunnner
Not really Most of the things in the crown shop can be won off boss drops even the new hair is starting to be boss drops there are a few things yes like mounts and packs that have to be paid for with crowns. Has I have said in the past we can not have our cake and eat it too. I don't spend tons in crowns and my fire wizard can solo most anything. Use the wizard101 wiki to find item drops and farm them. Even 99% of the crown shop pets are boss drops. As for packs .. I only buy them to go for mounts, The gear out of them really is no good other then for stitching *Other then the over kill jade set* :p You have too see it from KI point of view they have to make money to keep giving us great worlds to play and as for memberships they are not bad at all look at what other games cost to play a month. Yes not everyone is going to be happy and you can't keep everyone happy but they sure try to give far support to us. Anyway hope this helps you. Enjoy

Jul 01, 2013
In all honesty from other membership games I've played, KI is doing a good job, They give us membership for 10 bucks a month at minimum and we get access to TONS of worlds, tons of new activities, and crowns aren't super expensive either, and plus the fact that many crowns items are obtainable as boss drops, why complain? I'll admit the tournament thing was a bit too far. But many other games I have played make us pay a lot for so little (I won't state the game names for the sake of not advertising)

Jul 30, 2012
michiganstate13 on Jul 8, 2013 wrote:
its so they get you to pay more money to them, thats how "free" MMORPG games work, they get you to pay more money so they can expand business. Hope this helps!

Alyssa IceBlade

Corporal of
Wizard101 is NOT a free to play mmorpg. It is a membership based game with an F2P demonstration area (a portion of Wizard City). You can also purchase access to small sections with crowns, but this is obviously not a viable method for playing through the spiral. I assume the crowns purchase for small areas is a carry over from when the game was much smaller.

For a better understanding of online gaming and various cost structures I suggest people research the internet a bit to familiarize themselves. It appears that the current trend is for membership based games is to offer small F2P areas to let potential customers try it out. It is a marketing feature for competing against other online games and atrracting new members.

Recent articles indicate that many companies are moving away from membership based games and going towards pay-as-you-go. Basically you purchase stuff for cash as you want it. This gives the *impression* to customers that it is very inexpensive to play the game, and they are only paying for what they are using. The gaming arguement against this is it places gamers on an unequal footing. Gaming advantages are based on cash purchases instead of gaming skill. Research indicates that these decisions are primarly business decisions, not gaming decisions.

With regards to various mmorpg gaming costs, revenue, profits, etc. again people need to do their own research. Discussion on an open forum is not possible.

~ RH

Jul 03, 2010
Cole Dunerunner on Jul 7, 2013 wrote:
Now that I came back after no membership, I have seen that everything is about crowns.

Tournaments are crowns, why does everything have to be crowns.
We have already paid for membership, and now crowns. Why cant things just be crowns?

Cole Dunerunnner
I can relate to your feelings on this since I joined around your time, the game was just getting warmed up back then. Now that the membership base is set it's time to get real. It does seem to be a bit over whelming on all the Crowns only items now available in the game where it used to be off beat gear, some mounts and just started the "packs" thing and the constant begging in the commons. Before it was the mount for TC swindle which still thrives quite well. The game has come a long way in the last few years.

It did used to be time vs money or usually time got you better. The tide is out on the time one - now if you want the best and get many better options you must pay crowns for it. Drops of same or better then crown items are few and far between.

If you think about it though what company now a days isn't about the nickel and dime you, my cable company does it, my wireless does it. It's common practice to get customers to pay extra for what ever they can to drum in extra funds.

I have found from my friends list that people do go and come back but when they return they find the game has changed from the model they joined it for before and they end up leaving again - usually with in a month.
I think people remember KI as something different but they really aren't now so we are left searching for something better all the time.

May 06, 2009
RottenHeart on Jul 8, 2013 wrote:
Wizard101 is NOT a free to play mmorpg. It is a membership based game with an F2P demonstration area (a portion of Wizard City). You can also purchase access to small sections with crowns, but this is obviously not a viable method for playing through the spiral. I assume the crowns purchase for small areas is a carry over from when the game was much smaller.

For a better understanding of online gaming and various cost structures I suggest people research the internet a bit to familiarize themselves. It appears that the current trend is for membership based games is to offer small F2P areas to let potential customers try it out. It is a marketing feature for competing against other online games and atrracting new members.

Recent articles indicate that many companies are moving away from membership based games and going towards pay-as-you-go. Basically you purchase stuff for cash as you want it. This gives the *impression* to customers that it is very inexpensive to play the game, and they are only paying for what they are using. The gaming arguement against this is it places gamers on an unequal footing. Gaming advantages are based on cash purchases instead of gaming skill. Research indicates that these decisions are primarly business decisions, not gaming decisions.

With regards to various mmorpg gaming costs, revenue, profits, etc. again people need to do their own research. Discussion on an open forum is not possible.

~ RH
I can agree that Wizard101, Pirate101, and even Grub Gaurdian to an extant, aren't free to play.

But for the most part, buying areas for Crowns has been pretty viable and worth wild for me. Since I started this game 4 years ago, I never liked the idea of Subscription and Membership, as I didn't like not keeping my areas (please keep in mine, I'm young, don't have a job and am still in school). When I was younger, I didn't know about all the benefits of being a Member, but even now free Ranked PvP and occasional access to the Message Boards aren't very flashy to me (I only get membership now for the second point, which can be pretty rewarding. I also didn't really start knowing about Membership until recently when I got the Boochbeard Bundle for Pirate101). As of now, I've gotten every area in the Spiral (mostly for Story and Questing reasons. Throw whether I want or like this area out the window) and I'm pretty happy.
But I can see that not many people do that. C'est la vie (That's life).

Speaking generally now:
In any case, as I see people posting about "Why so many Crowns?" I always wonder, why do so many people automatically look at it in a negative way. Ok, yes, not everyone has a ton of money to pay of everything (I don't either!) and all the crowns items or need for it is noticably large. But I try to look at it positively. Over the past four years, I've gotten more out of this game then I could ever ask for. Met a lot of people. Read awesome stories. Seen great areas. And simply played the best game I've pretty much ever played. I feel like the amount of pros in this game outlie the negatives. I don't let all Crowns stuff, tons of Bundles or Packs get to me, because most of them I don't even need (I've found a lot of crowns gear less than satisfying for my needs) Crafted gear and even some dropped gear can pretty much beat Crowns gear. And you really only need one mount per player or even overall so anymore really isn't necessary.

I've always thought that when it comes to Kingsisle releasing many Crowns items, it's because it does a lot for the whole game and that the game is pretty expensive (not just on the costumer side). New expansions, fixing problems, updates, paying back companies that have to come out and help them, developers, artists, graphic designers, writers, etc. It's a lot. Also the people at KI look to live modestly. They don't wear fancy-shmancy clothes, they only promote positive environments, take their family values extremely seriously. No one seems like some money hungry "monster." It makes sense that as a buisness that does so much, there is a price that comes with it.

And again, the community is a pretty positive one (of course they all have their problem areas) with tons of things to do. And even with all the Crowns items, most aren't even needed for maximum game fun. I really wouldn't let Crowns phase you. If you really want something, go for it. If not, find out what works for you.

Jul 30, 2012
Cunning Finnigan said:

"I've always thought that when it comes to Kingsisle releasing many Crowns items, it's because it does a lot for the whole game and that the game is pretty expensive (not just on the costumer side). New expansions, fixing problems, updates, paying back companies that have to come out and help them, developers, artists, graphic designers, writers, etc. It's a lot. Also the people at KI look to live modestly. They don't wear fancy-shmancy clothes, they only promote positive environments, take their family values extremely seriously. No one seems like some money hungry "monster." It makes sense that as a buisness that does so much, there is a price that comes with it."

Nice thoughts and ideas, and I'm sure KI is a great company. They have created a nice product too. Nice thoughts but perhaps a bit naive relating employee dress codes, family values, and website pictures to product costs and business decisions. A calculator is sometimes handy for figuring some things out too.

Anyway, my membership is up, so have lots of fun! I very much enjoyed wizard101.

~ RH

Apr 09, 2011
Cole Dunerunner on Jul 7, 2013 wrote:
Now that I came back after no membership, I have seen that everything is about crowns.

Tournaments are crowns, why does everything have to be crowns.
We have already paid for membership, and now crowns. Why cant things just be crowns?

Cole Dunerunnner
Yes, I do agree with you, but tournaments give you great crowns stuff if you win most of the time.

Level 79

Apr 12, 2011
Agreed, I just wish Tournaments just costed gold, and areas you can't access without membership at all. It would encourage getting a membership, NOT buying tons of crowns! The Crowns shop, can stay. Things that cost crowns in regular shops, should be moved to the crown's shop.

Ryan SoulShard Magus , second , third