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spiral cup gauntlet does not ever finish

Dec 30, 2013
in the final battle of the Spiral Cup Gauntlet (dungeon is accessed from the housing item in the gift card pack) -

after defeating boss troll Barbarous Van Der Borst and his three minions, the fight re-spawns (although the screen declares "victory"). this happened for both a Tier 2 (lowest level 30+) and Tier 3 (lowest level 40+) instance of this dungeon. in both cases the group beat the four foes twice, saw "victory" twice, and a third battle was spawned (troll boss had a question mark), so in both cases the group departed with the gauntlet unfinished

Dec 30, 2013
getting to the final battle and repeating it does give all possible drops from the six battles, but does not give the hefty XP for defeating the final boss. so this bug needs to be fixed


This is normal behavior if you've completed the gauntlet 2 times already. You cannot continue to gain experience, but you will get the other rewards.

Sep 17, 2012
alric boombringer on Nov 14, 2014 wrote:
getting to the final battle and repeating it does give all possible drops from the six battles, but does not give the hefty XP for defeating the final boss. so this bug needs to be fixed
Every instance quest in the game works like that. You get full XP first time through, half XP second time, and nothing but battle XP from then on.

Dec 30, 2013
I have never been in any dungeon in this game where after you see "victory" on the screen the defeated foe has a question mark above their head meaning they are waiting for you to battle them again. for instance I was in the DS loremaster and the lev 30 (Mt Olympus) aquila instance dungeons and after the screen shows "victory" in the final battle there was no question mark indicating the final boss wants you to fight them again without gong through all the preceding battles. it makes sense this is true since otherwise groups of players would just camp out forever on the final battle to get the drops (which are usually best in the final battle)

I am currently in Mooshu. please cite an instance dungeon I have encountered where a group of players can camp out forever on the final boss

from what I remember seeing in the scrolling game info box I never received any XP from ANY of the four times I was in a group that defeated the last set of foes in the spiral cup gauntlet and saw the word "victory" on the screen. please go back and look at the game records to see if I actually did receive XP for any of those four battles


We seem to be talking about two different issues. Please send an email to support@wizard101.com so they can investigate further.
