I was wondering what the best secondary school for my level 29 life wizard would be. I started out as storm but then got really, really annoyed at the high fizzle rate. Now I'm not sure which secondary I should have, because: : If I'm against a life enemy then they'll probably just cast an 80% death shield. : This school seems okay. : Already tried this school, too high fizzle rate. : Besides the minions, Myth doesn't really seem to have any "special" spells(like drain spells, weakness, DOT) and even though Earthquake seems like a good spell, you have to train up all those other spells to get to it. : Other than Tower Shield, this school seems to be basically life with lower accuracy...? : Fizzle rate only slightly lower than storm, but has DOT spells(which I think are really good).
The whole idea of "secondary" schools is flawed. Don't use training points for attacks, use them for utility. My life wiz train the tri blades from Niles so I can better boost teammates, and Death up to feint for a strong universal buff. Some Life wizards do train Myth to frog for an early AoE, but unless you have Myth mastery that won't be much help, and once you get Forest Lord you won't need it.
At level 50 you'll want to start training Astral spells.