I need verification or clarification on how traps and blades work. I will use a hypothetical:
Suppose you had in your deck a water blade, a water trap, and a multiple round water spell called Monsoon (yeah, yeah, I know there are no water wizards. I said it was a hypothetical and I didn't want to look up a real one.)
By itself, the Monsoon does 10 points of damage then 100 points of damage for three more rounds, or 10-100-100-100. Okay? Follow me so far?
You put out a trap that does +30%. Assuming the enemy does no shields the Monsoon now does 13-100-100-100 because the trap disappears after the first part. If you had two traps, it would be 13-130-100-100. Is this correct?
Now, you put out a blade that does +40%. Again assuming no shields, wards, or traps, the Monsoon does 14-140-140-140.
In other words, the blade affects the entire spell, while the trap affects only the next incoming water attack.