I just saw a Gobbler Scouter ( Rank 2) standing on the sidewalk on Colossus Boulevard. Anyway else seen this happen?
I've seen that happen. I think sometimes it might indicate a "temporary" connection issue. I've had similar things happen in Mooshu and Colossus Blvd. Now when I see it I usually just log off and back on again... better safe than sorry.
For me it was a dark fairy it ran up to me... then stopped I walked up to it and it went back on the street Elijah Drake:26 Elijah Drake:4 Elijah Drake:8
Usually this happens because you are having connection problems, but they shouldn't pull you. The only thing I can think of is you were on the street, and before your connection dropped you might have ran into a gobbler, then it showed you in a battle when you regained connection
Its not a connection glitch. The monsters are programmed to roam around freely until it hits a wall or something - its called collision detection. Rarely, monsters are able to walk on the sidewalks. FYI, don't mind this in Marleybone. There is no "sidewalk." If it was a connection glitch, your game would lag for a few seconds to a minute, pull you in, then you loose the connection. To me, in worlds past Celestia, there is no sidewalk, you just walk to the side. If I get pulled, well oh well.
@Tucson Wizard: It isn't an indicate that you are about to lose connection. An actual indicate your about to lose connections as if you are in a fight and the turn just keeps going on. Then the symbol shows up.
It happened during an Atlantea run (believe me, I don't want to go there again.) And I still got loot :) Even if it wasn't the hat I wanted XD