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Porting iinto World Too High for Level

Jun 03, 2012
I was just reading with interest the post about jumping into and out of a battle leaving the remaining player with extra Mobs to fight. And it brought up another issue that I have been hassled with lately that I wish KI would address. That is lower level players porting into a world that they are not yet playing in, jumping into a battle and then putting out a call for help when they are overwhelmed. I then assuming I am getting a legitimate request for help, stop what I am doing and port into a battle with a player with for example, 600 health taking on a Mob with 3,000 or more health. I want to keep helping lower level players. I find it enjoyable to help folks who are playing in an world that they have the experience etc., to be playing in and need some help, like other folks help me, but this really ticks me off and makes me question accepting lower level "friend" requests. For a while I stopped accepting friends requests with players who's levels are lower than 10 levels below me because of this issue, but have gone back to accepting most requests even though I do wonder if I am getting myself into the same problem with each request I accept.

Sarai Thundergrove, Transcendent Pyromancer

Mar 18, 2009
This is a (sadly) recurring issue. KI is doing what they can but there are a few things you can do as well, well really one major thing. You can simply switch realms. That's what I do. Can't tell you how many times a lower level has joined a battle I started in worlds like Zafaria and Avalon (haven't made it to Azteca yet :( ). Inevitably the lower level is defeated and flees. I either finish the battle or flee and then switch realms.
And just so we are clear, by lower level I mean 36 and under (depending on what level I am at the moment) I've had 40's plus join me and they can hold their own, with a bit of help. And just to talk in circles a bit more (sorry about that) one of my most memorable battles was a boss in Zafaria. Sadly I don't remember which one. But I was helping my friend and one of her 40-50 level Life friends joined us without asking. This girl did nothing but heal us. We would have had a REALLY hard time without her.

So, I guess my point is you can do something too, and don't judge all who join without asking. That one person may surprise you.

Dec 27, 2010
Some times low levels are invited by players of the lvl ,then the higher lvl is DCed and they find themselfs alone in a strange land. They get caught in a battle they know they can not handle an call for HELP .
Thank You for bailing some out ,shows you are one of the good ones.

Jul 03, 2010
At some point in the game it does seem to become important to be selective on who your friends are.

This was really a non issue prior to the release of Celestia where battles became more difficult and game play became more serious then just fun.

In the end you are the one in control of who is on your friends list and if they act in a manner you don't approve of you must remove them.

As the game has expanded in population there seemed to be an influx of players that do like to abuse the situations so finding good friends maybe more difficult. Some are just curious about other worlds, some think they can power level by going to higher worlds, some want to be in on fights that will drop goods for resale and others are just out to ruin your plans.

Just keep in mind KI does not control who you decide to interact with in the game so it is up to you to weed out the bad ones - not them. As for being able to port to higher worlds then you are questing in, I for one, would never want to see a restriction on this, on many occasions I have helped wizards in higher worlds then my wizard is questing in.

Feb 19, 2010
Northlite on Jan 5, 2013 wrote:
At some point in the game it does seem to become important to be selective on who your friends are.

This was really a non issue prior to the release of Celestia where battles became more difficult and game play became more serious then just fun.

In the end you are the one in control of who is on your friends list and if they act in a manner you don't approve of you must remove them.

As the game has expanded in population there seemed to be an influx of players that do like to abuse the situations so finding good friends maybe more difficult. Some are just curious about other worlds, some think they can power level by going to higher worlds, some want to be in on fights that will drop goods for resale and others are just out to ruin your plans.

Just keep in mind KI does not control who you decide to interact with in the game so it is up to you to weed out the bad ones - not them. As for being able to port to higher worlds then you are questing in, I for one, would never want to see a restriction on this, on many occasions I have helped wizards in higher worlds then my wizard is questing in.
To difficult of a topic for KI to address. There has been so many threads agrreing an opposing this.

Jun 03, 2012
Let me clarity a little, I don't make a blanket assumption that all lower level ( also am talking about players below about lvl 36) are not going to be helpful. But I seem to more and more get someone who is at a level 10 or so, call me for help because they have ported into a world (Celestia for example) through another "friend" and then gotten into a battle they can't possible win and have no real purpose to battle. I have had folks who are lower level players be very helpful in a battle,but they are part of a group I am playing with.

What I am suggesting is, I believe that if you are not with 10 levels of being able to be playing in a World you shouldn't be able to port into that world, thus solving this problem. When someone suggests the solution is to remove people from your list, they are missing the point I was trying to make. There is no way to really know anything about a player when they first request to become a friend. You have a few seconds to accept or deny. I make it a practice to accept because I want to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. So then this happens it becomes either a pleasant "friendship" where I happily help the player when they make a request for help, or (and this is what is my issue) they are a level 10 who has ported into Celestia on another players friendship and then they call me to "help" which is again a blind request. There is no purpose for either of us to be playing in Celestia at that point. And it irritates me that I have stopped what I was doing etc. and immediately jumped in to help what feels to me isn't a good use of my limited playing time. .

Ok, starting to get long winded, I just wanted to clarify my initial comments.

Sarai Thundergrove, Trannscendent Pyromancer

Feb 25, 2009
SaraiT828 on Jan 6, 2013 wrote:
Let me clarity a little, I don't make a blanket assumption that all lower level ( also am talking about players below about lvl 36) are not going to be helpful. But I seem to more and more get someone who is at a level 10 or so, call me for help because they have ported into a world (Celestia for example) through another "friend" and then gotten into a battle they can't possible win and have no real purpose to battle. I have had folks who are lower level players be very helpful in a battle,but they are part of a group I am playing with.

What I am suggesting is, I believe that if you are not with 10 levels of being able to be playing in a World you shouldn't be able to port into that world, thus solving this problem. When someone suggests the solution is to remove people from your list, they are missing the point I was trying to make. There is no way to really know anything about a player when they first request to become a friend. You have a few seconds to accept or deny. I make it a practice to accept because I want to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. So then this happens it becomes either a pleasant "friendship" where I happily help the player when they make a request for help, or (and this is what is my issue) they are a level 10 who has ported into Celestia on another players friendship and then they call me to "help" which is again a blind request. There is no purpose for either of us to be playing in Celestia at that point. And it irritates me that I have stopped what I was doing etc. and immediately jumped in to help what feels to me isn't a good use of my limited playing time. .

Ok, starting to get long winded, I just wanted to clarify my initial comments.

Sarai Thundergrove, Trannscendent Pyromancer
There has been a suggestion in the form of a "Quest Progression" lock/tweak, that if done properly would prohibit players from being able to join a battle in a world they are not equipped for. It would still let them port to the new worlds to look around but no fighting no matter what. If it were possible to integrate a 10 level variation, I don't think many would have a problem with that. A level 40 can be helpful in CL, but should not be able to fight in ZF. A 10 level progression would make a difference.

I would like to suggest though that if this happens again, pull up your friends stat card from your friends list and take a look to see what world he/she is in. If that player is where they really should not be, then make your choice whether to help or not.

Believe me, I understand the irritation. I am the same way when lower levels join my battle in a world they aren't equipped for then flee leaving behind another enemy for me to deal with or die., Even worse when I have been in that battle long enough to get my traps and blades set up with only half of my health left then an added enemy who has 4+PP slams my wizard. Strategy is then out the window.

Feb 28, 2009
Actually, it's sometimes not the younger players fault for being in higher leveled worlds. Sometime their higher leveled friends will tell you to port in one of their battles and when you come, they say they "gtg", then just just leave to battle high level monsters while their probably still on but helping some other friend. It gets annoying.

Jan 22, 2011
SaraiT828 on Jan 4, 2013 wrote:
I was just reading with interest the post about jumping into and out of a battle leaving the remaining player with extra Mobs to fight. And it brought up another issue that I have been hassled with lately that I wish KI would address. That is lower level players porting into a world that they are not yet playing in, jumping into a battle and then putting out a call for help when they are overwhelmed. I then assuming I am getting a legitimate request for help, stop what I am doing and port into a battle with a player with for example, 600 health taking on a Mob with 3,000 or more health. I want to keep helping lower level players. I find it enjoyable to help folks who are playing in an world that they have the experience etc., to be playing in and need some help, like other folks help me, but this really ticks me off and makes me question accepting lower level "friend" requests. For a while I stopped accepting friends requests with players who's levels are lower than 10 levels below me because of this issue, but have gone back to accepting most requests even though I do wonder if I am getting myself into the same problem with each request I accept.

Sarai Thundergrove, Transcendent Pyromancer
I agree entirely! It's ridiculous, when I'm in battle and a lower-level friend ports in and leaves when they see I'm not up to much fun, they've unintentionally left me with further enemies to undertake. I've gotten into the habit of being hidden to friends the moment I go into battle, but I hate shutting my friends out like that!
The perfect solution would be for the most recent enemy to leave when a player flees--much in the same way as a henchman. If they port back, then a new enemy comes as if they had arrived there for the first time. In this manner, the player-enemy count remains balanced in all scenarios without anyone being defeated because of some lower-level friends.

May 13, 2012
well i guess i will put in my two bits on the subject..my highest ranked wizard is a 44 balance wizard and i have both high (one over 80) level friends and low as 10 level friends. . usually i ask if they care if i port in. and most of the time they dont. I dont expect to do much good in high level fights but do get a few wacks in or give blades or shields. even so i sometimes feel guilty about it. my problem is the lower level wizards who bug me for gifts and cards and are constantly calling me to help them. I have friended too many of them and I cant keep up with them. They are of little help in my quests and my upper level friends hardly ever help me. And since I am an older adult and have no friends or family playing the game I am pretty much on my own..so If you have a lower level (not to low) friend be kind please.. It gets loney and discouraging to play alone all the time. I guess that is why i do help if i can, just so i am not alone.

Jul 03, 2010
SaraiT828 on Jan 6, 2013 wrote:
Let me clarity a little, I don't make a blanket assumption that all lower level ( also am talking about players below about lvl 36) are not going to be helpful. But I seem to more and more get someone who is at a level 10 or so, call me for help because they have ported into a world (Celestia for example) through another "friend" and then gotten into a battle they can't possible win and have no real purpose to battle. I have had folks who are lower level players be very helpful in a battle,but they are part of a group I am playing with.

What I am suggesting is, I believe that if you are not with 10 levels of being able to be playing in a World you shouldn't be able to port into that world, thus solving this problem. When someone suggests the solution is to remove people from your list, they are missing the point I was trying to make. There is no way to really know anything about a player when they first request to become a friend. You have a few seconds to accept or deny. I make it a practice to accept because I want to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. So then this happens it becomes either a pleasant "friendship" where I happily help the player when they make a request for help, or (and this is what is my issue) they are a level 10 who has ported into Celestia on another players friendship and then they call me to "help" which is again a blind request. There is no purpose for either of us to be playing in Celestia at that point. And it irritates me that I have stopped what I was doing etc. and immediately jumped in to help what feels to me isn't a good use of my limited playing time. .

Ok, starting to get long winded, I just wanted to clarify my initial comments.

Sarai Thundergrove, Trannscendent Pyromancer
The friends request box can and does stay up for quite some time, I have even switched worlds and it is still there. In that box is where their level is.

If you do just accept all and any, as suggested by another check the stats of the friend by clicking on their name in your list and using the bottom arrow to check out their level before porting to them, this will for warn you if they are in a higher world then they can quest in.

Giving everyone the benefit of the doubt doesn't mean that is the right thing to do, especially if this has become a chronic problem for you and you have limited game play time.

Feb 25, 2009
Since I do not play P101, I cannot say for sure that what I have heard is true or not. If it is, the process of that game involves a tweak that removes added enemies when a player joins then flees. That would make some difference here.

I don't have a problem with lower levels porting to new worlds just to look around, but I do have a problem with them joining my battles.

Feb 19, 2010
DragonLady1818 on Jan 7, 2013 wrote:
Since I do not play P101, I cannot say for sure that what I have heard is true or not. If it is, the process of that game involves a tweak that removes added enemies when a player joins then flees. That would make some difference here.

I don't have a problem with lower levels porting to new worlds just to look around, but I do have a problem with them joining my battles.
I still think that idea is the best one yet. when a player flees the mob goes with them.
This eliminates the whole ordeal but still allows lower levels to port to friends for assistance.