when i confront a monster and try to cast spells what happens is i click the spell then directly the target but it unclicks the spell as if i didn't click on the target. this is really frustrating me because i only buy one month memberships and i want to get quests done. it only recently started happening when i went into a boss battle. please help! comment solutions or if this has happened to you. please hurry before my membership expires!
when i confront a monster and try to cast spells what happens is i click the spell then directly the target but it unclicks the spell as if i didn't click on the target. this is really frustrating me because i only buy one month memberships and i want to get quests done. it only recently started happening when i went into a boss battle. please help! comment solutions or if this has happened to you. please hurry before my membership expires!
You may want to contact support on this one. I've never had this happen, and played all morning.
Yea it happens to me every so often its like a camera glitch but all you have to do is select the spell and click on the enemy's name box and it automatically targets it.Its a work around solution.
when i confront a monster and try to cast spells what happens is i click the spell then directly the target but it unclicks the spell as if i didn't click on the target. this is really frustrating me because i only buy one month memberships and i want to get quests done. it only recently started happening when i went into a boss battle. please help! comment solutions or if this has happened to you. please hurry before my membership expires!
hi there~ it's hard to give a definitive answer without all of the details, but i'll try and help as best i can.
1) there are certain spells that can only be cast on yourself or your teammates. these include charms (blades or any kind of positive buff), shields, and healing spells; these cannot be cast on the enemy. if you click on the enemy with any of these spells, it will deselect the spell and prompt you to choose again.
some examples of spells that can only be cast on yourself:
school blade tower shield guidance guiding light empower stun block spirit shield availing hands sacrifice healing current guardian spirit donate power
2) are you clicking on something else before the timer runs down? if you select a spell and then click a friend's name (to say something or check her stats), it will deselect your spell and ask you to reselect.
hope this helps,
-von promethean sorceress, archmage necromancer, the rest.
when i confront a monster and try to cast spells what happens is i click the spell then directly the target but it unclicks the spell as if i didn't click on the target. this is really frustrating me because i only buy one month memberships and i want to get quests done. it only recently started happening when i went into a boss battle. please help! comment solutions or if this has happened to you. please hurry before my membership expires!
That happens, and when it does, click on the target's name(the box that contains its health) instead of directly clicking on them. That should do it, Good luck.
when i confront a monster and try to cast spells what happens is i click the spell then directly the target but it unclicks the spell as if i didn't click on the target. this is really frustrating me because i only buy one month memberships and i want to get quests done. it only recently started happening when i went into a boss battle. please help! comment solutions or if this has happened to you. please hurry before my membership expires!
I ran into this glitch in The Haunted Cave (a while back). Everybody in our duel circle had the same problem. There was nothing we could do. Just had to wait until we died, or flee. Sent a ticket to support about it.