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A dancing pet on a roof???!!!!!

Jan 17, 2011
I was playing the dance game at pet pavilion I was doing the mooshu background and then I finished. I pressed play again and I chose the mooshu background again and the (mysteriously) my pet- Chelsea the unicorn-giraffe-was on the second roof of the pagoda house in the background (not inside, on top)! What happened?????

Please find out what happened,
Brianna Starsong wizard level 58 (soon to be 59 I hope).

Jul 01, 2011
You mean your pet was floating? Instead of on the ground while doing the dancing mini-game? That happened to me as well just a different pet. I have not sent a ticket about the issue yet but i will very soon. I recommend send a ticket to kingsisle support.

Apr 08, 2013
Wow I am so glad that I wasn't the only one that was happening to! At first i thought it was just my computer being silly, but I am glad to know that I wasn't the only one. But really that has happened so many times to me in the dance game! I wonder how many other people this is happening to.

Jasmine DragonBane level 50

Jan 17, 2011
It keeps happening to me, a month ago the same pet (Chelsea the unicorn-giraffe) was on the first roof of the pagoda!!!

The person who started this post,
Brianna song level 59