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what school is the best for me?

Mar 12, 2013
Myth is fun because you can solo if you want to, and have a nice AOE. At higher levels a lot of players have myth mastery so working with them can sometimes be rewarding

Feb 06, 2010
whta130 on Jun 29, 2013 wrote:
Go for really strong and cool 'cause I am in fire.
I thought fire was the opposite of cool, hot. I recommend fire or death. Those are good starter schools and good schools in general. Later, when you start to understand the game and it's mechanics more, you will start leaning towards myth, balance, and ice. That is my understanding of classes.

Dec 03, 2012
I've listed my favorite, pros and cons, but I've changed my option.

Death or fire.
Fire seems to not fizzle that much. It has great power and can be very useful.
Death is great. I can't really discribe it.

Aug 26, 2010
ejrox1028 on Jun 28, 2013 wrote:
Ok so for the past few months now I have been trying to figure out what school is right for me to start out with. I am not really new to the game because once I made a balance person and made all the way to celestia. But I decided I did not want to be balance anymore so I am starting completely over but question is what school should I be? I have the personality of death, Almost all the time I get myth from the test and sometimes I get balance from the test. I also get death too and fire just seems really cool and useful. So if you guys could help me decide that would be great.

It does depend greatly on your playing style. I am a life wizard so my player is great and most beneficial with groups especially because of the group healing spells. When I got to Krok that's when my interaction with others started declining and since then I have done many solos. So now since I am mostly playing alone, it is pretty hard for me at times.

Scarlet LionHaven, 50th level life wizard.

Jan 15, 2011
i have always wonder wt other wizard had to think about this is the best school to them

Aug 20, 2010
twinkle star on Sep 1, 2013 wrote:
i have always wonder wt other wizard had to think about this is the best school to them
I don't understand.. I don't get it.

All schools have strengths and weaknesses, it'll just depend what you like or have become used to, having them as your main wizard.

Oct 24, 2010
twinkle star on Sep 1, 2013 wrote:
i have always wonder wt other wizard had to think about this is the best school to them
There is no such thing as "best school," only those preferred by players.
All schools have good and bad points; like Storm with their lowest base health, highest base spells but a fizzle rate that will drive you bonkers. :)
There are a few schools I prefer over others: Ice and Death top my list.

Oct 31, 2009
Each school has its positives and negatives. It all depends on your preferred playing style as to which is best for you...

Fire - DoT's make up the heat of this school. Health/Manna seem average. I find they have adequate lasting power.
Ice - These guys are tanks! On average have the most Health/Manna. They don't hit as hard out of the box as other schools, but have the lasting power to slowly whittle away at all enemies.
Storm - These dudes hit the hardest out of the box. They need to... They have the lowest Health/Manna and the lowest spell success rate %. Lots of fizzles, but when they do hit, it is game, set match!
Life - A really good support school. Does not have a lot of attack spell options, but makes up for it with healing spells.
Death - Hurt enemies to heal yourself... Need not say more.
Myth - Minions, Minions, Minions... I have not played this school much, but what I can gather is that combat is centered around.
Balance - Another great support school. Augments... blades... shields.... traps... OK as a solo class, but a master during group situations.

Sep 07, 2011
Whatever one you play best.

My can do almost anything. but it is different for each player.

Feb 15, 2011
Well I think life is best because you can both heal other players and attack with good damage.

Jul 03, 2010
The best school for me has been Life. Probably because I learned the game with that school and have the most time invested in figuring out how to make it work. I didn't experiment with other schools until I decided I wasn't going to play any further then the end of Zafaria. She was only brought out of retirement to help a family member get though AV and into AZ.

I have given other schools a go but seems Life is still what I play the best.

May 09, 2010
Feb 11, 2013
It's different for everyone. But for me it's and .

Oct 11, 2010
twinkle star on Sep 1, 2013 wrote:
i have always wonder wt other wizard had to think about this is the best school to them
there is no best school they all have pros and cons. This topic has been talked obout over and over.

Apr 01, 2011
My favorites would be Ice, Death, and Balance

Rebecca Bright Level 90
Miranda Shadowflame Level 90
Sabrina Emeraldblossom Level 86
Victoria Roseblood Level 82
Diana Moonflower Level 79
Christina Goldenheart Level 77

Jul 29, 2009
Like everyone one says, it all depends on how you play and what you like to do, but my favorites are , , , and.(not necessarily in that order either)

Dec 05, 2010
aerofool on Sep 2, 2013 wrote:
Each school has its positives and negatives. It all depends on your preferred playing style as to which is best for you...

Fire - DoT's make up the heat of this school. Health/Manna seem average. I find they have adequate lasting power.
Ice - These guys are tanks! On average have the most Health/Manna. They don't hit as hard out of the box as other schools, but have the lasting power to slowly whittle away at all enemies.
Storm - These dudes hit the hardest out of the box. They need to... They have the lowest Health/Manna and the lowest spell success rate %. Lots of fizzles, but when they do hit, it is game, set match!
Life - A really good support school. Does not have a lot of attack spell options, but makes up for it with healing spells.
Death - Hurt enemies to heal yourself... Need not say more.
Myth - Minions, Minions, Minions... I have not played this school much, but what I can gather is that combat is centered around.
Balance - Another great support school. Augments... blades... shields.... traps... OK as a solo class, but a master during group situations.
is more of a over time damage dealer.

Aug 02, 2011
So I've been wondering which schools are the best to have since we can only have 6 of the 7. Tell me which school and why you think that school is the best. Or tell me which 6 of the 7 schools I should have on my account.