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Average Time Playing Daily?

Apr 16, 2009
So I'm not a hardcore wizard and with school and a part time job I don't get much time to play. Plus monotonous quests get boring so I stop playing. But how much time do you spend playing on a daily basis?
-Shannon Icegem

Jul 03, 2010
I used to spend every spare moment on the game, now just a few hours a day and some days I skip it all together.

I don't mind the beginning of the game but as the difficulty level gets higher then I can figure out easily, I tend to loose interest. My wizards are so temporary now I don't spend any crowns on stuff for them. I used to stitch every so often now I only have 2 wizards with stitched gear.

I am more of a first arc player's speed the then 2nd. A lot of the things in the game have become way out of my reach such as crafting and pet training. What is apparently considered a challenge to some is just long and boring to me.

Life is enough of a challenge for me I don't need a game to be also.

Mary Star Gem

Oct 24, 2010
As an adult with a full time job, my time is limited. I play a bit in the morning and after work, totaling maybe a couple of hours. I do play more on weekends. However, I am done even trying to move on in the 2nd arc. It holds no interest for me and is way too time (and money) consuming. I find that sad because i really do love the game.

Jul 02, 2013
Jan 13, 2010
i have to go to Primary School, and man is that boring. After school I play about one and a half hours, and then I have to stop.
On weekends I tend to play much more.

aditha12 - Cole Dunerunner

Mar 17, 2012
I play as long as im alowed most a time at once around 10 hours. Only thing is that it really makes the day go by quick