As a Wizard every time I cast Orthrus I wonder the same thing..."Why does the moon have a face?" What does it represent in this two headed dog. Was there a reason for it or is it just to set the creepy mood in a funny way? Personally it creeps me out enough to where I don't want to watch the spell's animation some times.
P.s I know this is probably a topic not even worth posting but it's the little things in W101 I just got to know.
As a Wizard every time I cast Orthrus I wonder the same thing..."Why does the moon have a face?" What does it represent in this two headed dog. Was there a reason for it or is it just to set the creepy mood in a funny way? Personally it creeps me out enough to where I don't want to watch the spell's animation some times.
P.s I know this is probably a topic not even worth posting but it's the little things in W101 I just got to know.
the moon in real life "has a face" if you look at it.
I heard once before about the man on the moon, and I think it's about a few craters on the moon resembling a face. If the spell isn't referencing that then it's probably what you suggested it probably was
I don't think it represents or means anything in particular. It's just some sort of artistic expressions that the designers decided to put there. There's a flamingo on the gnome's shoulder in Gnomest because the designers just ... felt like it.
The idea is that the spiral is a magical world. Players would expect things like giant gnomes and moons with faces.
As a Wizard every time I cast Orthrus I wonder the same thing..."Why does the moon have a face?" What does it represent in this two headed dog. Was there a reason for it or is it just to set the creepy mood in a funny way? Personally it creeps me out enough to where I don't want to watch the spell's animation some times.
P.s I know this is probably a topic not even worth posting but it's the little things in W101 I just got to know.
I think it represents how dogs howl at night. But the face is just plain creepy. And dude the scary things you are going to want to report because really young people play this game and they could get scared. Critical
I don't believe the moon is nearly terrifying enough to report. I mean, the eerie setting is what I like most about the spell! Removing the moon would not be a good idea.
I like the moon. It gives creepiness in the scene. Remember that Orthrus is not supposed to be a nice character in Greek Mythology. (But i do have to point out a flaw in the spell: According to my sources, Orthrus is supposed to have a serpentine tail.) Am i the only one that has to go research a spell every time i am given a school quest?
To me, the face in the moon is one of the best parts of the spell (visually, at least)! It adds just the right touch of myth, a kind of Hound of the Baskervilles feel.
And, as others have said, the "man in the moon" is a very, very old and well loved part of folklore. My parents pointed it out to me as a kid, when camping, and I have always enjoyed looking for it ever since.
So it never creeped me out at all. Just the opposite! It usually gives me something to smile about. It all depends on the frame of mind in which you look at the moon, I suppose.
As a Wizard every time I cast Orthrus I wonder the same thing..."Why does the moon have a face?" What does it represent in this two headed dog. Was there a reason for it or is it just to set the creepy mood in a funny way? Personally it creeps me out enough to where I don't want to watch the spell's animation some times.
P.s I know this is probably a topic not even worth posting but it's the little things in W101 I just got to know.
what's funny is that it reminds me of The Joker's face (played by Heath Ledger in The Dark knight) more than "the man in the moon"