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Pet snacks and reg symbols?

Jul 27, 2013
Not sure if this is the correct place to post this, but here goes. I have noticed that when looking in your bank some of the reagents and pet snacks have what looks to be an arena symbol on the right hand side. What does this mean? Also, wasn't there a place to enter into drawings or raffles on this web site? If so I can't find it again, if you could point me to that, that would also be appreciated. Thank you for your time.

Sep 17, 2012
Some snacks are available through arena tickets, that's what it means. They are also from drops and gardening too though. As for the raffles and contests, those are on central, not here.

Dec 08, 2012
The Area Ticket symbol means that you can buy it with area tickets from a vendor (I think he's a frog) in the Pet Pavilion. As for the contests and raffles, you can easily find contests and raffles on the Ravenwood Bulletin of any month. Most months has it.

Here's some helpful advice on getting free Mega-Snacks as a lot of people would know. You can easily plant the Couch Potatoes plant (From crown shop for about 1,500 crowns each or farmed from enemies in Savarstaad Pass in Grizzleheim) or you could plant the Evil Magma Peas plant (From crown shop for around 1,200 crowns or could also be farmed for certain enemies). Both of them gives the high xp Mega-Snacks as most would know such as the Fancy Yogurt which gives 50 XP and sometimes 51 XP. If you want the Mega-Snacks that gives 25 to 30 XP, then plant the Deadly Helephant Ears plant. I got a garden of 36 Couch Potatoes and a garden of 12 Deadly Helephant Ears. Btw, the rank 8 snacks that you can get with Arena Tickets only gives 25 XP.