I am having trouble. I want to make a , and it really motivates me with good pvp and stuff and the awesome spells, but then , i think about how fast i could go. Except i am in a group of three. Storm just seems so cool and strong, and my favorite god, Poseidon, is Storm. But , i can kinda imagine me a lvl 95 Promethean beating all in pvp. even though pvp is not my thing. Also has really cool spells in my opinion. like frost giant, frostbite, and all those cool spells. But is really strong and is like No mercy!! So that motivates me a little. Also, the spell Storm Owl is super cool and strong. I just can't decide! Please help!
Personally I would go with an ice because they can be extremely powerful once highly level. They have e great damage good critical great block and amazing resist. But if you want to rush through the game do high attacks and be unstoppable in Pvp go for storm ( not that ice is bad at PvP ) so yeah just depends on your play style. Hope this helped. Not much of an expert.
pvp isn't my thing, either. so, here's what i suggest:
if you want big hits, go with storm~ the accuracy is horrible, and you will fizzle/die a lot at the low levels; gear can boost your stats later on, but your defense is a joke and will never be as good as ice's (though you can get close to the other schools' stats, with enough effort).
if you want massive defense and health, go with ice. your base damage is kinda lamesauce, but you'll probably be able to pull off storm-strength hits at the upper levels, if you put the effort into getting the right gear/pet.
I am having trouble. I want to make a , and it really motivates me with good pvp and stuff and the awesome spells, but then , i think about how fast i could go. Except i am in a group of three. Storm just seems so cool and strong, and my favorite god, Poseidon, is Storm. But , i can kinda imagine me a lvl 95 Promethean beating all in pvp. even though pvp is not my thing. Also has really cool spells in my opinion. like frost giant, frostbite, and all those cool spells. But is really strong and is like No mercy!! So that motivates me a little. Also, the spell Storm Owl is super cool and strong. I just can't decide! Please help!
You decide -[]- or -[]-
You do know you can have up to 6 wizards, right? Start with Ice and see if you like it (early on it fizzles a lot less than Storm). Then make a Storm wizard. Count on those fizzles until you get gear that boosts your accuracy though.
I love both schools for very different reasons and have had fun with each.
The only thing about Ice is that it is time-consuming. I mean, I've been in battles that take hours. I've never gotten a Storm past Triton Avenue (lol), but I'm considering making one over the summer, and seeing how far I can get in that time. I think Fire is the best combination of power and accuracy and health, and Storm and Ice are the extremes. I agree with RavenLady777 that you should try both. And, I don't know if you are one of those players that just bust through worlds and can do the game in a month or less, but you should definitively think through how your going to get to Promethean, not just what you want when you get there.
Is DEFINITLY the way to go. Yes, its horrible the first levels. But as you get to level 70 or over, your attacks are amazing! -Jared Shadowbreaker level 78
Is DEFINITLY the way to go. Yes, its horrible the first levels. But as you get to level 70 or over, your attacks are amazing! -Jared Shadowbreaker level 78
I'm having trouble on starting a new account or keep playing. needs healing spells like a thaw heart card which heals. How about a guardian angel spell for ,,or. Ice should get healing spells too . That would make us . Professor Greyrose please reply! P.S: This is my first time on message boards.
choose school. you'll pass by worlds very quick (my character made it through marleybone in 2 days) and battles will be pretty easy in the worlds up to mooshu. remember to bring tough TC and keen eyes TC with you ( on my storm char i bought 146 tough TC from the krok library 4 no reason at all). also, you'll get loot faster cause battles R quicker.
If you want to stand out from the crowd, try Myth. Fire, death, and storm wizards are all common, with ice, life, and balance a little harder to find. I hardly ever see myth wizards.