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Counting Treasure Cards

Jan 01, 2009
My count of treasure cards in my deck is not nearly as high as the game says I have. I even counted my gardening treasure cards. Any idea what the difference is? Thanks for your time.

Sep 17, 2012
Are you sure about the gardening cards, if there's multiple pages of them you cannot see all the cards. I got overloaded with them during the Halloween event last year and that was the problem for me. I had over 150 cards I couldn't see until I had deleted some from first page of gardening cards. Look at them while in your house in Gardening mode. If more than 8 spells show up under TC, then you have more cards than seen. You can also see them if you enter into a Trade Cards session with another wizard.

Mar 12, 2010
Michael Nightgem on Dec 1, 2014 wrote:
My count of treasure cards in my deck is not nearly as high as the game says I have. I even counted my gardening treasure cards. Any idea what the difference is? Thanks for your time.
That's probably something that we can't help you with on here. You might want to send an e-mail to support@wizard101.com and ask them to help you sort this out. Be sure to give them your UserName in the game, and the name of the wizard who is questioning their Treasure Card amount.

Jan 01, 2009
Thanks for the ideas, all input is helpful. I must be the only one with this issue. Maybe I will try another approach.