The best school (In my opinion) would have to be... Ice
is the best school because it has such high health, and it does good damage (only if you use shields and blades)!
At level 40 has a minimum of 2K Health!
When I used the Ice Wyvern, 2 Extra pips, one ice blade, and one trap got me up to 2K Damage also! (That is almost as much as ).
Wolf StormCaller, Lvl 42
I think it more 1 storm 2 ice 3 life 4 Death 5 fire 6 myth 7 balance
I think truthfully life is the strongest because even if you do kill them they have the heal spell so they will heal up and then they can can spam a few disables and blade up while there doing that and finally hit hard enough to break threw the blocks and resistance where your one shouted
Of my 6 Wizards, My balance is my best. I can set him to tank, boost and heal at over 100 Resist to any school I like, or set him as a damage with a total of 9 blades and 3 feignts and 88 to my damage.
It really depends on your play style and whether you do PvE or PvP. Every school has it's strengths. For solo PvE I think Myth is the best, followed by Life and Storm, Ice, then Death and Balance. That's in terms of ease. Myth was my only wizard that was able to solo everything up until Darkmoor. Death and Balance required more help in dungeons/bosses than other schools and worked better in team situations.
The best school (In my opinion) would have to be... Ice
is the best school because it has such high health, and it does good damage (only if you use shields and blades)!
At level 40 has a minimum of 2K Health!
When I used the Ice Wyvern, 2 Extra pips, one ice blade, and one trap got me up to 2K Damage also! (That is almost as much as ).
Wolf StormCaller, Lvl 42
Two extra pips? Having spare pips after using the spell doesn't increase the spell's damage.
Personally, I like Death the most due to drains and not needing to spend training points to get Feint or Satyr. Myth and Fire are tied for second place.
i got death, (Jack summerbreath lvl 9 death). and i dont know really, death is good for attacking and healing, at the same time, decent spells, life is good for all around healing, and have decent spells, Fire has building damage moves, which can get powerful, and have near the least health, storm is the most powerful at a price for health and accuracy, with the lowest health, ice is the weakest, but have great health and defence, Myth i dont know, but they might have decent health, good accuracy, and good power. balance i think has good health, i know it has great accuracy, and is the group that starts with the swords. this doesnt have to do with the astrial spells.