I am a level 34 Storm wizard, and I was wondering if there is any gear in Mushu that I could farm for that is better than Zeus's hat, and Senetor's Robes and Boots. I know that the Jade Oni drops some crowns gear, but that is a really rare drop. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
well I wish but no any gear that would be good at level 30 to level 40 would be zues or cent. gear from mount oly. and if you don't want to farm that there is crafted gear but it's just not as good as regular gear from the bazaar or mount oly. so I wouldn't craft them and the bazaar gear for 30... eh still not as good as mount oly. I would just buy amulets, athames and rings and decks from the bazaar at those levels the wand from mount oly is good too the iron hasta gives 1 power pip added when you get in a battle you can do a 2 pip attack the first round. and it gives 10 damage any other wand at this level wouldn't be as good ( not counting crowns gear from packs )
I am a level 34 Storm wizard, and I was wondering if there is any gear in Mushu that I could farm for that is better than Zeus's hat, and Senetor's Robes and Boots. I know that the Jade Oni drops some crowns gear, but that is a really rare drop. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Level 34
The Mount Olympus gear really is the best until Celestia and Wintertusk. Even then, it's very good. On a side note, the world's name is Mooshu, not Mushu, which you might be able to tell just by looking at the message board section's name or the in-game dialogue.
The Mount Olympus gear really is the best until Celestia and Wintertusk. Even then, it's very good. On a side note, the world's name is Mooshu, not Mushu, which you might be able to tell just by looking at the message board section's name or the in-game dialogue.