OK, so I log on to get my morning fix of W101 and I see that MMORG has a Socket Wrench Give-away! So I cruise on over and log in to MMORG and sign up for my chance at a socket wrench and lo and behold - Bingo - I'm now the proud owner of an Expert Socket Wrench!!!
Can't wait to use it. I log in to W101, start up my favorite wizard, redeem my prize, navigate to the inventory page, decide which ring or amulet or athame I want to begin with, make my choice, click on the socketing icon and choose "unlock all sockets". Oh the joy of it!
And then I'm presented with the following message, and I paraphrase: "Are you sure you want to do this? If you proceed, the sockets will be unlocked and the socket wrench will be removed from your inventory".
I guess I was naïve in thinking that a socket wrench, a tool after all, would be good for more than one use. But I have to say it's a bit disappointing to think that every time we want to unlock a socket we need a new wrench. I know KI is in business to make money, and I'm cool with that. I don't mind paying for my entertainment. But this was a big surprise. All of a sudden the 75 crown cost to unlock sockets doesn't seem so steep considering the time it takes to farm for a wrench. It just makes deciding where and when you want to do it a little more daunting. I suppose we should be thankful that we don't need to buy a new fishing rod every time we catch a fish. And maybe I should shut up before I give KI any new ideas LOL!