For those of us who take the time to help our "friends" when they request it I'm sure you've experienced some of these. My take on this is... if you're waiting to do a tough boss battle you should be prepared before you start. And then this happens:
To expand on #4. Don't tell me what to do or what to cast. You asked for MY help because you couldn't do it alone. Let me get it over with and kill him my way.
To expand on #4. Don't tell me what to do or what to cast. You asked for MY help because you couldn't do it alone. Let me get it over with and kill him my way.
Exactly...or don't tell me you've got the boss when the only one left is the boss. Wait, what?
To expand on #4. Don't tell me what to do or what to cast. You asked for MY help because you couldn't do it alone. Let me get it over with and kill him my way.
this, a hundred thousand percent.
also, to expand on this one~ if you ask for help or advice, please listen to what i am saying. you obviously asked me because you don't know; please take the help you are given, regardless of what form it's in.
also, to expand on this one~ if you ask for help or advice, please listen to what i am saying. you obviously asked me because you don't know; please take the help you are given, regardless of what form it's in.
Agreed, and for that matter, don't EVER tell me what to do. If you have a suggestion that's fine but don't give me the tired "you should have - "insert opinionated advice here"". Rest assured, whatever fight we're in it's probably not my first rodeo. Nothing gets my goat quite like fighting the Loremaster for the X-thousandth time and having a level 40 tell me I should have cast my Strangle on the Weakness Font, not on the boss. Believe me, there's a 99% chance the Deer Knight is coming and you're going to be glad that Strangle is there when it does. Worry about your cards and let me decide how I'm going to play mine.
Agreed, and for that matter, don't EVER tell me what to do. If you have a suggestion that's fine but don't give me the tired "you should have - "insert opinionated advice here"". Rest assured, whatever fight we're in it's probably not my first rodeo. Nothing gets my goat quite like fighting the Loremaster for the X-thousandth time and having a level 40 tell me I should have cast my Strangle on the Weakness Font, not on the boss. Believe me, there's a 99% chance the Deer Knight is coming and you're going to be glad that Strangle is there when it does. Worry about your cards and let me decide how I'm going to play mine.
I find my self telling people this a lot... "Worry about your cards and let me decide how I'm going to play mine."
One more thing that I have seen is people saying, midway into battle, "Can you gift me?" or even just a simple "Let's do more quests." I have other things to do. I won't mind helping, but if it's over excessive; pretty annoying,
A lot of people just don't think "I've asked this person for help many times, I better stop or ask another friend". When people who excessively ask for help, I feel that they have no other friends. I also find it annoying when someone (especially a lower level) tells me: "Use your forest lord" or, "please heal me!" all the time.
"Please heal me" is probably only annoying when everyone knows that you're a life and that you pack a lot of heals.
Also here's something people say in battle that they shouldn't, same applies to compliments.
another thing thats really annoying is when they ask you for help and then you agree just to be nice and when they die and i am still in the middle of battle they are like" heal me heal me" and i just dont have any healing spells at the moment. Then after the battle they get mad at me for not healing them