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School Flaws

Aug 08, 2010
What are each flaw that each school has? What makes them weak on one side but strong on the other. Do you hate the flaws? I want to see what you guys come up with

Jul 03, 2010
ProtonShock on Nov 21, 2012 wrote:
What are each flaw that each school has? What makes them weak on one side but strong on the other. Do you hate the flaws? I want to see what you guys come up with
So far I have tried every school - some I don't get past lvl 45 with and when I delete them regretted it and started another.

What I found for my wizards is:

* Death was an easy solo - it is a trap happy school but what can you fault with steal health spells, I liked this.
* Life was my one hit wonder, first wizard I learned the game on - waiting until lvl 58 for Forest Lord was no fun, I did not start making other wizards till she was to the end of Celestia.
* Myth I had a hard time getting off the ground - power wise but learned to use that frog a lot. I didn't seem to get enough going power wise so into Avalon I deleted it.
* Balance I gave up on at lvl 45 as I just couldn't figure out how to fight Balance foes which I started to meet in DS. I am back with another trying again.
* Storm, my first just fizzled way to much after playing Life and Death I just couldn't settle with it, in Zafaria I did get the power and was one hitting everything but got bored of it and deleted it. Currently I am taking on the challenge to mainly solo the entire game - gear in early lvls is so much better now.
* Fire, I had problems keeping this wizard afloat and gave up at the Tree of Life, I currently started another and plan to put more time into raising it so it can hold it's own better as I know it can.
* Ice, I can not seem to get the power out of this wizard I would like, I am currently in DS and just seem to plug along.

And that is my take on the schools, the way I play them anyway. My challenge in the game isn't so much the monsters I fight along the way but making my wizard all it can be to face them. With assorted wizards at different levels I also get to fight where ever I feel like it any given time and I don't get to settled into one school any more. I get to see if the grass is greener on the other side.

Feb 07, 2011
ProtonShock on Nov 21, 2012 wrote:
What are each flaw that each school has? What makes them weak on one side but strong on the other. Do you hate the flaws? I want to see what you guys come up with
Funny you should ask. In order, by my wizards' levels...


Balance~ nothing benefits us exclusively (our blades and buffs are useable by all schools), can't wand off weaknesses or break shields.

Death~ all enhancements are halved (due to the fact that we get half of the damage back as health).

Storm~ the only problem mine has is less-than-stellar resistance; before level 50, it was the fizzles.

Life~ same-school bosses who spam shields, thus rendering my converts completely useless.

Myth~ really-bad health and damage; their only real purpose is PvP, which probably accounts for part of why I'm just not feeling the love for my poor conjurer.

Ice~ nothing really wrong with Ice; base damage is low, but add gear & they're just Storm with better health.

Fire~ terrible health (even worse than Storm, IMO) and again with the fizzles.

/my 2 cents.

Jul 03, 2010
Dr Von on Nov 22, 2012 wrote:
Funny you should ask. In order, by my wizards' levels...


Balance~ nothing benefits us exclusively (our blades and buffs are useable by all schools), can't wand off weaknesses or break shields.

Death~ all enhancements are halved (due to the fact that we get half of the damage back as health).

Storm~ the only problem mine has is less-than-stellar resistance; before level 50, it was the fizzles.

Life~ same-school bosses who spam shields, thus rendering my converts completely useless.

Myth~ really-bad health and damage; their only real purpose is PvP, which probably accounts for part of why I'm just not feeling the love for my poor conjurer.

Ice~ nothing really wrong with Ice; base damage is low, but add gear & they're just Storm with better health.

Fire~ terrible health (even worse than Storm, IMO) and again with the fizzles.

/my 2 cents.
A little trick I learned about converts - be the first - if you get the convert on the monster before it shields the convert still works as it should.

This works for all schools. I load extras in when I am fighting a monster that will shield from my school and hope to get the convert on before they put the shield up. Another trick is use opposite school wands, especially with life it can be helpful.

Jun 14, 2009
ProtonShock on Nov 21, 2012 wrote:
What are each flaw that each school has? What makes them weak on one side but strong on the other. Do you hate the flaws? I want to see what you guys come up with
Meh, I'm only level 22, so my opinion may not be as good as the archmages who previously posted, but here's what I think:
  • Life: When I created my Life wizard, I liked the health giving spells, but the psychical damage attacks just weren't doing anything for me.
  • Death: As vonawesome1 stated, the health giving spells only give you a half of the damage dealt to the foe, and I just had a hard time managing that avatar in general.
  • Balance: When I had created my Balance avatar, I also noticed that other schools had the ability of using the Balance school's blades and buffs.
  • Storm: My primary wizard, Amy Seasword is of the Storm School, and I just happen to like the powerful spells, but the only downside in my opinion is the pest to all wizards known as fizzling. Also, the Storm school's students usually have weaker defenses (lower health) than other schools.
  • Myth: Out of personal experience, I agree with vonawesome1's statement that Myth wizards do have low health, and the damage that psychical spells inflict isn't very major.
  • Fire: The attacks are very good, but the avatar health is very bad. The spells also happen to fizzle quite often which annoys me.
  • Ice: I do happen to like that Ice has good health, but the attacks aren't as strong as I like them to be. With work, (gear) they can manage some pretty nice attacks, however.

May 22, 2009
I have one wizard of every school. Each one has started Azteca.

Life: One of the flaws I see for this school is the fact most of its boosts deal with healing. The global spell gives boost to healing, but not damage. Even the new star spell in Azteca increases healing boost, not damage.

Death: Love the idea of healing as you attack. Yet many of its spells I find useless. I do not PvP so I find infection useless.

Balance: The fact that there is really no shield for balance besides the tower shield is a perk. My dislikes of this school is the fact it is difficult to get real high hits with the school specific attacks (non-elemental).

Myth: This is my favorite school despite all its flaws. One of the strengths of myth is the ability to 'cut' through enemies defenses using earthquake, shatter, and the double hits. Although I see those as a strength, they can also be a weakness especially when questing with someone. Yes, I can do some damage with my colossal earthquake, yet in doing so will remove the traps and prisms put on by my questing partners.

Storm: Love the Damage. Dislike the low health and low accuracy. Personally, I find 'Blade, Hit' tactics of Storm a little boring.

Ice: Although Ice is not my favorite school by far, other than its low hits, I can't really think of any flaws with this school.

Fire: This is my least favorite school. The DoT (damage over time) spells are great at destroying enemies shields, yet they also make it difficult to place traps on the enemy. I also do not like the low health and accuracy.

Hannah Lifebringer Level 80 Life