OK I have come to a point where friends are needed.I need to do waterworks, tower of helephant, and a couple of other quests.I just reached lvl 64. and its getting hard to find help. I have some low level friends that are good players but, Just cant handle these quests. I know that we all play the same game but are on several different servers, and I am still trying to figure some things out about the game.I am usually on in the evenings in the eastern time zone, my name is Saffron Angeldust 64lvl Life wizard. Thanks for reading and have a good day young wizard.
to ossprey007: I see you are having trouble. I'd be happy to help you. my wizard is Angel Moon level 25. Even though i am a lower level than your quests probably reccomend, I'd be happy to help and my excellent strategies have helped me to excell to level 25 in a week. So if you need help, i'm here.
OK I have come to a point where friends are needed.I need to do waterworks, tower of helephant, and a couple of other quests.I just reached lvl 64. and its getting hard to find help. I have some low level friends that are good players but, Just cant handle these quests. I know that we all play the same game but are on several different servers, and I am still trying to figure some things out about the game.I am usually on in the evenings in the eastern time zone, my name is Saffron Angeldust 64lvl Life wizard. Thanks for reading and have a good day young wizard.
Have you checked out any of the fansites? The response for friends in the game might help you more over there. And they have players who volunteer to help with difficult dungeons/instances. The fansite I like the most is wizard101central.com. You can do a "search" on there for whatever you need (Waterworks help, friends, etc.). Good Luck!
OK I have come to a point where friends are needed.I need to do waterworks, tower of helephant, and a couple of other quests.I just reached lvl 64. and its getting hard to find help. I have some low level friends that are good players but, Just cant handle these quests. I know that we all play the same game but are on several different servers, and I am still trying to figure some things out about the game.I am usually on in the evenings in the eastern time zone, my name is Saffron Angeldust 64lvl Life wizard. Thanks for reading and have a good day young wizard.
If you're looking for questing buddies, I suggest wizard101central.com~ several of us from the forums are already in touch there and there are always nice people on there looking for groups. It's free to make an account there, too.
I have an account there~ my screen-name there is El Veeb, and I'm a level 84 Balance wizard; I also have a level 80 Death and 64 Storm, so feel free to send me a friend-request if you need help!
Hey Thanks for all the usefull info.I will go there and try it out.Last night I got hooked up with a great group of players we didnt beat the last boss in heliphant, but there were only three of us at that point.It's nice to find players with great attitudes,I just felt kinda bad that all I could do is play the healer, but life attacks arent as powerfull as fire and storm, But i thought we did well.Thanks for all the info and I will holler at yall in the game.
Hey Thanks for all the usefull info.I will go there and try it out.Last night I got hooked up with a great group of players we didnt beat the last boss in heliphant, but there were only three of us at that point.It's nice to find players with great attitudes,I just felt kinda bad that all I could do is play the healer, but life attacks arent as powerfull as fire and storm, But i thought we did well.Thanks for all the info and I will holler at yall in the game.
yeah, the last boss is definitely the hardest~ good luck, & see you in the spiral!
Finding help for the waterworks tips: Switch realms, check the commons, get new friends, check in celestia base camp, and that is all i could think of. Hope it helped
oh yeah, p.s Many people wanna help even lower levels between twenty-five through forty are a big help, their spells may seem weak but even a little help goes along way.
I have a tip and I would love to help you b/c I have access to those places :). Ashley Deathflame, Balance Okay, so I think you should go to a more crowded area, and try and find someone who would like to help you. :D
OK I have come to a point where friends are needed.I need to do waterworks, tower of helephant, and a couple of other quests.I just reached lvl 64. and its getting hard to find help. I have some low level friends that are good players but, Just cant handle these quests. I know that we all play the same game but are on several different servers, and I am still trying to figure some things out about the game.I am usually on in the evenings in the eastern time zone, my name is Saffron Angeldust 64lvl Life wizard. Thanks for reading and have a good day young wizard.
lol once in a blue moon i say to my friends so young wizard XD
OK I have come to a point where friends are needed.I need to do waterworks, tower of helephant, and a couple of other quests.I just reached lvl 64. and its getting hard to find help. I have some low level friends that are good players but, Just cant handle these quests. I know that we all play the same game but are on several different servers, and I am still trying to figure some things out about the game.I am usually on in the evenings in the eastern time zone, my name is Saffron Angeldust 64lvl Life wizard. Thanks for reading and have a good day young wizard.
OK I have come to a point where friends are needed.I need to do waterworks, tower of helephant, and a couple of other quests.I just reached lvl 64. and its getting hard to find help. I have some low level friends that are good players but, Just cant handle these quests. I know that we all play the same game but are on several different servers, and I am still trying to figure some things out about the game.I am usually on in the evenings in the eastern time zone, my name is Saffron Angeldust 64lvl Life wizard. Thanks for reading and have a good day young wizard.
OK I have come to a point where friends are needed.I need to do waterworks, tower of helephant, and a couple of other quests.I just reached lvl 64. and its getting hard to find help. I have some low level friends that are good players but, Just cant handle these quests. I know that we all play the same game but are on several different servers, and I am still trying to figure some things out about the game.I am usually on in the evenings in the eastern time zone, my name is Saffron Angeldust 64lvl Life wizard. Thanks for reading and have a good day young wizard.
Dear ossprey007, I am a lvl 67 fire wizard about to be 68 my name is Justin deathpants meet me in the commons in wu realm on: 5/30/2013 at 11:00 AM U.S. central time
Dear ossprey007, I am a lvl 67 fire wizard about to be 68 my name is Justin deathpants meet me in the commons in wu realm on: 5/30/2013 at 11:00 AM U.S. central time
Why don't people ever look at the date? He's probably a promo by now.