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Myth vs. Storm?

Nov 14, 2012

So, originally I made a Myth girl(she's not very high yet), and I started thinking maybe I'd prefer Storm more. I bought Crowns to get a mount, but now I can't tell if I want to stay Myth or be Storm. Unless mounts are account bound instead of character bound, that'd be nice. But if not, what are the Pros and Cons of both Myth and Storm?

Feb 07, 2011
Fawntasy on Nov 27, 2012 wrote:

So, originally I made a Myth girl(she's not very high yet), and I started thinking maybe I'd prefer Storm more. I bought Crowns to get a mount, but now I can't tell if I want to stay Myth or be Storm. Unless mounts are account bound instead of character bound, that'd be nice. But if not, what are the Pros and Cons of both Myth and Storm?
I have both, so I hope this will help:

In the early stages, Storm has high damage, low health and resist, and terrible accuracy. They fizzle a lot, but can easily outhit the other schools and have about 2000 health by level 60 (without no-auction specialty gear); my level 64 Storm gal now has the highest accuracy of my entire wizarding family, at 96%.

As for my Myth guy, he's level 21 and probably my least-played character~ they're beasts in PvP, since they have a bunch of minions and ways to remove enemy buffs. But, if you don't PvP, there's not really much point... I don't like Myth, probably in part because I don't PvP. It's a lot like Balance, in that everything about Myth is average.

My conclusion: if you PvP, go with Myth. If not, take Storm.

Nov 04, 2012
Myth my level 17 myth good and when you get the cyclops that defeats most any enemy in one shot ( including bossses if you've weekendded them to a certain amount ) where my level 17 storm SUCKS overall i'd go with myth

Jul 03, 2010
Fawntasy on Nov 27, 2012 wrote:

So, originally I made a Myth girl(she's not very high yet), and I started thinking maybe I'd prefer Storm more. I bought Crowns to get a mount, but now I can't tell if I want to stay Myth or be Storm. Unless mounts are account bound instead of character bound, that'd be nice. But if not, what are the Pros and Cons of both Myth and Storm?
Mounts can be put in the shared bank and used by other wizards on the same account.

I have one higher level wizard that has purchased with gold many mounts and I just put them in the shared bank for my other wizards.

As for school to choose. I am currently soloing a storm wizard and I am in DragonSprye. My fizzle rate is much lower now then when I started. I have the Wintertusk crafted gear for when she hits level 56 and expect she will really pick up speed then.

I do not PVP and Myth was hard for me to play so I deleted it when I entered Avalon as fights there were difficult and picked up my retired Life wizard.

Nov 14, 2012
Yeah, I really don't care for PvP, so thank you~! <3
Is Storm a good one to play if you generally play alone? (sad, I know. But I'm a little old for this game, so my friend and boyfriend won't play with me. LOL)

Jul 23, 2012
Feb 07, 2011
Fawntasy on Nov 27, 2012 wrote:
Yeah, I really don't care for PvP, so thank you~! <3
Is Storm a good one to play if you generally play alone? (sad, I know. But I'm a little old for this game, so my friend and boyfriend won't play with me. LOL)
yes, if you have the right gear.

my storm gal soloed the entire game through dragonspyre and didn't start questing with a buddy until after celestia. it's a good idea to put a bunch of healing tc in your sideboard and buff up for a one-hit kill. 9 times out of 10, my storm wiz has ko'ed the enemies before they're even aware that there' s a fight going on, heh.

hope this helps, sorta.