Well, I'd like to start by saying Wizard101 was my first MMO, so it clearly taught me about MMO games in general. However, it taught me more then that too. I made good friends here, so it taught me about that. And I learned that people pour great pride and effort into their characters on W101, which encouraged me to do the same. And I learned how fun the game can be, when you play it to do the things you enjoy and with people you enjoy spending your time with. I learned a lot more then that, too, but these are the ones that stand out.
I have learned that all hope is not lost when believed so.
Earlier today, my friend told me to teleport to him because he was having a PvP party at his house, and here's the result.
1. I am unprepared with incorrect gear and deck 2. The storm wizard I am against repeatedly criticals, first attack my teammate is dead. My second opponent (my friend) repeatedly polymorphed, but luckily into things I resist most (I am ice, 77% to fire and 73% to storm) 3. More luck, the storm wizard uses Berserk (his team goes first) and then I attack. Neither are defeated, but close, so I finish my friend off with a colossal Imp and a wand attack. 4. Storm wizard is defeated with a Woolly Mammoth, I have 1,500HP remaining.
I've learned that adults can learn a lot from younger wizards in this game.
Thanks for responding again. I think I learned that same lesson in my 20+ years of teaching.
By the way, how do you figure out the age of a wizard? Sometimes I think I know by the language or texting shorthand, but that is becoming more well known and less an indicator of age.
Thanks for responding again. I think I learned that same lesson in my 20+ years of teaching.
By the way, how do you figure out the age of a wizard? Sometimes I think I know by the language or texting shorthand, but that is becoming more well known and less an indicator of age.
Eric Skywraith
Wow. I think you caught me on that one.
I don't really "know" the age of the wizard. I'm only assuming I do, usually based on the conversation. Somehow I feel the younger wizards are more genuine, whether it is positive or negative. They just say it "like it is". And I don't get offended, even if it is negative.
On the other hand though, if I feel that it is a more wizened, mature wizard (I don't like the word "older"), I am not as forgiving with some of their comments, and I tend to react accordingly. I don't get into verbal confrontations or anything like that. I just switch realms if I am uncomfortable in any way, and delete them from my Friends List, if they happen to be on there. And then I will probably, most likely, never cross paths with those unfriendly wizards again. Odds are in my favor.
Would this be considered stereotyping? Hmmm... I'll have to think about that.
I learned that you can get lost in this game for hours
...and then you read the forums, using even more hours. I love it. I am in the middle of writing a paper for a doctoral class on learing in video games, and here I am checking on the forums while I should be writing. Time for some more self-discipline
I learned that if you go into battle unprepared, you get squished like a grape. Now keep this motto in your heart.
Ashley Level 77 Fire
well, that is true (happened to me) you should do this if you wanna win 1. make sure you have full health and mana . 2. have your best spells. 3. be prepared for what person or monster you are fighting.