In the past, whenever someone ported to me or away from me, I would see an animation showing their school symbols. Lately, when someone ports to me, all i see is them fading in and out as if they just logged on or logged off. I am not sure if it just does it at my houses or throughout the entire game.
I have had this happen a lot too, i don't know if it is a problem with the Graphics Engine in the game or if we have bad video drivers. It will occasionally show, but only if the person who is teleporting is in the same area as me. I only see the person who teleported to me from a DIFFERENT AREA fade in and not have an animation, and honestly it kinda throws me off. Please fix this :) I will try downloading graphics driers now :)
IDK why this happens all the time! It's so annoying you can't even hear them going away or if they are going to teleport to you. This really needs to be fixed. It's even on the test realm! All the time my sound is on when I'm playing and when I listen to music, of course you can't hear it but when I'm not listening to music I still can't hear it! I think I can see the school icons of when they teleporting somewhere but you just can't hear it. It's so weird.
Ethan ShadowThief Warrior of WinterBane Level 56 Balance